1 catch the post
1) Общая лексика: успеть (сдать письма) до отправки почты -
2 I wonder whether I can catch the post
Общая лексика: не опоздаю ли я к почте?Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I wonder whether I can catch the post
3 catch
catch [kæt∫](verb: preterite, past participle caught)1. nouna. ( = act, thing caught) prise f, capture f ; (Fishing) ( = several fish) pêche f ; ( = one fish) prise f• good catch! (Cricket) bien rattrapé !• where's the catch? où est le piège ?e. ( = ball game) jeu de ballea. attraper• I dialled her number hoping to catch her before she left je lui ai téléphoné en espérant la joindre avant son départ• can I ring you back? you've caught me at a bad time je peux vous rappeler ? je suis occupé en ce moment• to catch sb's attention or eye attirer l'attention de qnb. ( = take by surprise) surprendre• if I catch you at it again! (inf) que je t'y reprenne !• you won't catch me doing that again! (inf) on ne m'y reprendra pas !c. [+ bus, train] ( = be in time for) attraper ; ( = travel on) prendre• did you catch the news/that film last night? tu as vu les informations/le film hier soir ?d. ( = trap) the branch caught my skirte. ( = understand, hear) saisirf. [+ disease] attrapera. [fire] prendre ; [wood] prendre feub. her dress caught in the door/on a nail sa robe s'est prise dans la porte/s'est accrochée à un clou4. compounds• it's a catch 22 situation c'est une situation inextricable ► catch-all noun fourre-tout m inv (fig) adjective[regulation, clause etc] fourre-tout inva. ( = become popular) [fashion] prendreb. ( = understand) saisir( = catch napping) prendre en défaut ; ( = catch in the act) prendre sur le faita. se rattraper ; (with news, gossip) se mettre au courantb. to be or get caught up in sth (in activity, campaign) être pris par qch ; (in circumstances) être prisonnier de qch* * *[kætʃ] 1.1) ( fastening) (on purse, brooch) fermoir m, fermeture f; (on window, door) fermeture f2) ( drawback) piège m fig3) ( break in voice)4) ( act of catching) prise fto take a catch — GB
to make a catch — US Sport prendre la balle
6) ( marriage partner)2.transitive verb (prét, pp caught)1) ( hold and retain) [person] attraper [ball, fish]; [container] recueillir [water, dust]; ( by running) [person] attraper [person]I managed to catch her in — ( at home) j'ai réussi à la trouver chez elle
2) ( take by surprise) prendre, attraperto be ou get caught — se faire prendre
to catch somebody in the act —
to catch somebody at it — (colloq) prendre quelqu'un sur le fait
3) ( be in time for) prendre [bus, train, plane]; avoir [last post]4) ( manage to see) voir [programme]; aller voir [show]5) ( grasp) prendre [hand, arm]; agripper [branch, rope]; captiver, éveiller [interest, imagination]to catch somebody's attention ou eye — attirer l'attention de quelqu'un
to catch the chairman's eye — Administration obtenir la parole
6) ( hear) saisir (colloq), comprendre7) ( perceive) discerner [sound]; surprendre [look]to catch sight of somebody/something — surprendre quelqu'un/quelque chose
8) ( get stuck)to catch one's fingers in — se prendre les doigts dans [drawer, door]
to get caught in — [person] se prendre dans [net, thorns]
9) Medicine attraper [disease, virus, flu]10) (hit, knock) heurter [object, person]11) ( have an effect on) [light] faire briller [object]; [wind] emporter [paper, bag]12) ( be affected by)to catch fire ou light — prendre feu, s'enflammer
13) ( capture) rendre [atmosphere, spirit]16) ( manage to reach) catch up3.intransitive verb (prét, pp caught)1) ( become stuck)to catch on — [shirt, sleeve] s'accrocher à [nail]; [wheel] frotter contre [frame]
2) ( start to burn) [wood, fire] prendre•Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up••you'll catch it! — (colloq) tu vas en prendre une! (colloq)
4 post
post [pəʊst]1. noun• has the post come yet? le facteur est passé ?• is there any post for me? est-ce qu'il y a du courrier pour moi ?b. ( = job) poste mc. (of wood, metal) poteau ma. [+ letter] posterb. [+ notice, list] afficherd. [+ sentry, guard] postere. ( = move) [+ soldier] poster ; [+ employee] affecter3. compounds* * *[pəʊst] 1.1) Administration ( job) poste m (as comme; of de)3) (duty, station) gen, Military poste m4) ( pole) gen, Sport poteau m2.to be the first past the post — Sport être le premier à l'arrivée; fig Politics obtenir la majorité
post- combining form post-3.transitive verb1) GB ( send by post) poster or expédier (par la poste); ( put in letterbox) mettre [quelque chose] à la poste2) ( stick up) afficher [notice, poster]; annoncer [details, results]3) gen, Military ( send abroad) affecter (to à)4) ( station) gen, Military poster [guard, sentry]•Phrasal Verbs:- post on•• -
5 post
post [pəʊst]courrier ⇒ 1 (a) poste ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (f), 1 (g) poteau ⇒ 1 (c)-(e) pieu ⇒ 1 (c) poster ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (b) muter ⇒ 2 (c) affecter ⇒ 2 (c) afficher ⇒ 2 (d)1 noun(a) British (letters) courrier m; (postal service) poste f, courrier m; (delivery) (distribution f du) courrier m; (collection) levée f (du courrier);∎ has the post come? est-ce que le facteur est passé?;∎ by return of post par retour du courrier;∎ there's no post today il n'y a pas de courrier aujourd'hui;∎ did it come through the post or by post? est-ce que c'est arrivé par la poste?;∎ I sent it by post je l'ai envoyé par la poste;∎ it's in the post c'est parti au courrier;∎ can you put the cheque in the post? pouvez-vous envoyer le chèque par la poste?;∎ do you want the letters to go first or second class post? voulez-vous envoyer ces lettres au tarif normal ou au tarif lent?;∎ a parcel came in this morning's post un paquet est arrivé au courrier de ce matin;∎ I don't want to miss the post je ne veux pas manquer la levée;∎ will we still catch the post? pourrons-nous poster le courrier à temps ou avant la levée?;∎ I missed the post quand je suis arrivé, la levée était déjà faite ou le courrier était déjà parti;∎ can you take the letters to the post? (post office) pouvez-vous porter les lettres à la poste?; (post them) pouvez-vous poster les lettres ou mettre les lettres à la boîte?(c) (of sign, street lamp) poteau m; (of fence) pieu m; (of four-poster bed) colonne f; (upright → of door, window) montant m(d) (in racing) poteau m;∎ starting/finishing or winning post poteau m de départ/d'arrivée;∎ also figurative to be left at the post rater le départ;∎ also familiar figurative to be beaten or pipped at the post se faire coiffer ou battre sur le poteau∎ the near/back post le premier/deuxième poteau∎ he got a post as an economist il a obtenu un poste d'économiste;∎ a university/diplomatic post un poste universitaire/de diplomate;∎ a government post un poste au gouvernement(g) Military etc (duty station) poste m; American (permanent station) camp m, fort m; (garrison) garnison f;∎ remain at your post restez à votre poste;∎ a sentry post un poste de sentinelle;∎ advanced or outlying post (place, group of men) poste m avancé;∎ lookout post poste m de guet ou d'observation;∎ frontier post poste m frontière∎ first post première partie f de la sonnerie de la retraite;∎ to sound the last post (over the grave) jouer la sonnerie aux morts(a) esp British (letter → put in box) poster, mettre à la poste; (→ send by post) envoyer par la poste;∎ to post sth to sb envoyer qch à qn par la poste, poster qch à qn∎ they posted men all around the house ils ont posté des hommes tout autour de la maison;∎ figurative she posted herself at the window elle s'est postée à la fenêtre∎ to be posted to a different branch être muté dans une autre succursale;∎ Military to be posted to a unit/a ship être affecté à une unité/un navire;∎ to be posted overseas être en poste à l'étranger∎ he has been posted missing il a été porté disparu;∎ figurative to keep sb posted tenir qn au courant∎ to post an entry passer une écriture;∎ to post the books passer les écritures∎ to post bail déposer une caution∎ to post security déposer des garanties►► post chaise chaise f de poste;post horn trompe f (de la malle-poste);post house relais m de poste;post office (place) (bureau m de) poste f; (service) (service m des) postes fpl, poste f; American (game) = jeu d'enfant dans lequel un des joueurs fait semblant de distribuer des lettres, en échange desquelles il reçoit un baiser;the Post Office (government department) ≃ la Poste;post office account compte m chèque postal;post office box boîte f postale;post office and general store = petite épicerie de village faisant office de bureau de poste;Computing post office protocol protocole m POP;British post office savings ≃ Caisse f (nationale) d'épargne;∎ we have a little money in post office savings nous avons un peu d'argent à la Caisse d'épargne;the Post Office Tower = ancien nom de la "Telecom Tower"(letters) faire suivre;∎ can you post my letters on to me? pouvez-vous faire suivre mon courrier? -
6 catch
1. transitive verb,catch somebody by the arm — jemanden am Arm packen od. fassen
catch hold of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas festhalten; (to stop oneself falling) sich an jemandem/etwas festhalten
2) (intercept motion of) auffangen; fangen [Ball]get something caught or catch something on/in something — mit etwas an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
I got my finger caught or caught my finger in the door — ich habe mir den Finger in der Tür eingeklemmt
get caught on/in something — an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
3) (travel by) nehmen; (manage to see) sehen; (be in time for) [noch] erreichen; [noch] kriegen (ugs.) [Bus, Zug]; [noch] erwischen (ugs.) [Person]did you catch her in? — hast du sie zu Hause erwischt? (ugs.)
4) (surprise)catch somebody at/doing something — jemanden bei etwas erwischen (ugs.) /[dabei] erwischen, wie er etwas tut (ugs.)
I caught myself thinking how... — ich ertappte mich bei dem Gedanken, wie...
5) (become infected with, receive) sich (Dat.) zuziehen od. (ugs.) holencatch [a] cold — sich erkälten/sich (Dat.) einen Schnupfen holen; (fig.) übel dran sein
catch it — (fig. coll.) etwas kriegen (ugs.)
you'll catch it from me — du kannst von mir was erleben (ugs.)
6) (arrest)catch somebody's fancy — jemandem gefallen; jemanden ansprechen
catch the Speaker's eye — (Parl.) das Wort erhalten
catch somebody's eye — jemandem auffallen; [Gegenstand:] jemandem ins Auge fallen; (be impossible to overlook) jemandem ins Auge springen
7) (hit)catch somebody on/in something — jemanden auf/in etwas (Akk.) treffen
catch somebody a blow [on/in something] — jemandem einen Schlag [auf/in etwas (Akk.)] versetzen
8) (grasp in thought) verstehen; mitbekommendid you catch his meaning? — hast du verstanden od. mitbekommen, was er meint?
9) see academic.ru/11419/catch_out">catch out 1)2. intransitive verb,1) (begin to burn) [anfangen zu] brennen3. nounmy coat caught on a nail — ich blieb mit meinem Mantel an einem Nagel hängen
make [several] good catches — [mehrmals] gut fangen
2) (amount caught, lit. or fig.) Fang, der3) (trick, difficulty) Haken, der (in an + Dat.)the catch is that... — der Haken an der Sache ist, dass...
it's catch-22 — (coll.) es ist ein Teufelskreis
6) (catcher)Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up* * *[kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) fangen2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) erreichen5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) einklemmen6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) treffen7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) mitkriegen8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) Feuer fangen2. noun1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) das Fangen2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) der Griff4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) der Haken•- catching- catchy
- catch-phrase
- catch-word
- catch someone's eye
- catch on
- catch out
- catch up* * *[kætʃ]I. n<pl -es>to make/take a good \catch gut fangento miss a \catch den Ball nicht fangenhe's missed three easy \catches; if he misses another \catch, he's out! er hat drei leichte Bälle nicht gefangen, wenn er nochmal nicht fängt, ist er draußenwindow \catch Fensterverriegelung fall the window \catches were tightly closed alle Fenster waren fest verschlossenher new boyfriend is not much of a \catch mit ihrem neuen Freund hat sie keinen besonders guten Fang gemacht famshe made quite a \catch sie hat einen guten Fang gemacht fam; (in marriage also) sie hat eine gute Partie gemachtwhat's the \catch? wo ist der Haken [an der Sache]? famwith a \catch in one's voice mit stockender Stimmethe kids were running around playing \catch die Kinder rannten herum und spielten FangenI only got some \catches of their conversation ich bekam nur einige Gesprächsfetzen von ihnen mitII. vt<caught, caught>1. (intercept)▪ to \catch sb jdn [o jds Fall] auffangen2. (grab)to \catch sb by the arm/hand jdn am Arm/bei der Hand fassento \catch sb's arm/hand jds Arm/Hand ergreifento \catch hold of sth etw zu fassen bekommen3. (capture)the virus was caught in time das Virus wurde rechtzeitig erkannt4. (surprise, get hold of)he was caught with 10 kg of heroin er wurde mit 10 kg Heroin erwischt famyou won't \catch her at work after four o'clock nach vier wirst du sie kaum noch bei der Arbeit antreffen [o fam erwischen]you caught me at a bad time Sie haben einen schlechten Zeitpunkt erwischt famhave I caught you at a bad time? komme ich ungelegen?you won't \catch me in that shop! in dem Laden wirst du mich niemals findento \catch sb in the act jdn auf frischer Tat ertappencaught in the act! auf frischer Tat ertappt!ah, caught you! ah, hab ich dich erwischt! famto be caught in a thunderstorm von einem Gewitter überrascht werdento \catch sb red-handed jdn auf frischer Tat ertappenI even caught myself feeling sorry for the thief zuletzt ertappte ich mich sogar dabei, dass [o wie] mir der Dieb auch noch leid tat5. (meet)▪ to \catch sb jdn treffenI'll \catch you later bis später6.▪ to \catch sth (contract) sich dat etw einfangen; ( fig: be influenced by) sich akk von etw dat anstecken lassento \catch a cold sich akk erkältenhe was caught by Jones er schied durch Jones aus8.▪ to \catch sth in sth (trap) etw in etw akk einklemmen; (entangle) mit etw dat in etw dat hängen bleibenhe caught his foot in the rope sein Fuß verfing sich im Seilshe caught her hair in the bushes ihre Haare verhedderten sich im GesträuchI caught my hand in the door ich habe mir die Hand in der Tür eingeklemmtto be caught in the crossfire ins Kreuzfeuer geraten; ( fig) zwischen zwei Lager geratento be caught between two things/people zwischen zwei Dingen/Menschen hin und her gerissen seinshe's caught between taking the job or travelling around the world sie ist [innerlich] hin und her gerissen, ob sie die Stelle annehmen oder um die Welt reisen soll10.to \catch the bus/train (take) den Bus/Zug nehmen; (be on time) den Bus/Zug kriegen [o SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR erwischen] fam11. (collect)12. (depict)▪ to \catch sth mood, atmosphere etw festhalten [o einfangen13. (attract)to \catch sb's attention [or eye] jds Aufmerksamkeit erregento \catch sb's fancy jdm gefallento \catch the imagination die Fantasie anregen [o geh beflügeln]to \catch sb's interest jds Interesse weckenwe rushed to \catch the show wir beeilten uns, um die Show nicht zu verpassenfinish the letter so we can \catch the post schreib den Brief fertig, damit er noch mit der Post wegkommt15. (get)to \catch the light das Licht einfangen gehthe necklace caught the light die Kette reflektiert das Lichtto \catch a few [or some] rays ( fam) sich akk ein bisschen die Sonne auf den Bauch scheinen lassen famto \catch the sun ( fam) place viel Sonnenlicht [ab]bekommen; person: get a suntan braun werden; (get sunburn) einen [leichten] Sonnenbrand bekommen16. (notice)▪ to \catch sth etw erfassen18. (hit)to \catch sb on the arm/chin jdn am Arm/Kinn treffenhe was caught on the chin with a left hook er wurde von einem linken Haken am Kinn getroffento \catch sb a blow in the stomach jdm einen Schlag in die Magengrube versetzen19. (bump)she caught her head on the mantelpiece sie schlug mit dem Kopf auf den [o dem] Kaminsims auf20. (bump into)his head caught the edge of the table er schlug mit dem Kopf auf die [o der] Tischkante auf21. (burn)to \catch fire [or light] Feuer fangen22.▶ to \catch one's breath nach Luft schnappen; (stop breathing) die Luft anhalten; (breath normally again) verschnaufenJoe really caught it from Sam Sam hat's Joe mal so richtig gegeben famIII. vi<caught, caught>to \catch at sb's sleeve jdn am Ärmel zupfenmy foot caught in the rope mein Fuß verfing sich im Seilcareful, your jumper has caught on a nail! pass auf, du bist mit deinem Pulli an einem Nagel hängen geblieben!* * *[ktʃ] vb: pret, ptp caught1. n1)to make a (good) catch — (gut) fangenhe's a good catch (fig inf) — er ist ein guter Fang; (for marriage also) er ist eine gute Partie
3) (= children's game) Fangen nt4) (= trick, snag) Haken mwhere's the catch? — wo liegt or ist (da) der Haken?
there's a catch in it somewhere! — die Sache hat irgendwo einen Haken, da ist irgendwo ein Haken dabei
6) (= break in voice) Stocken nt8) (= fragment) Bruchstück nt2. vt2) fish, mice fangen; thief, offender fassen, schnappen (inf), erwischen (inf); escaped animal (ein)fangen; (inf = manage to see) erwischen (inf)to catch sb's arm, to catch sb by the arm —
glass which catches the light — Glas, in dem sich das Licht spiegelt
to catch sight/a glimpse of sb/sth — jdn/etw erblicken or zu sehen kriegen (inf)
to catch sb's attention/eye — jdn auf sich (acc) aufmerksam machen
to be caught between two people/alternatives —
he was caught between envy and admiration — er war zwischen Neid und Bewunderung hin und her gerissen
3) (= take by surprise) erwischen, ertappenI caught him flirting with my wife — ich habe ihn (dabei) erwischt, wie er mit meiner Frau flirtete
I caught myself feeling sorry for him — ich habe mich dabei ertappt, dass er mir leidtat
(you won't) catch me doing that again! (inf) you won't catch me falling for that trick again (inf) aha, caught you (with question) — das mache ich bestimmt nicht wieder! auf den Trick falle ich nicht noch einmal herein hab ich dich doch erwischt (inf) ha ha, reingefallen (inf)
caught in the act — auf frischer Tat ertappt; (sexually) in flagranti erwischt
4) (= take) bus, train etc nehmen5) (= be in time for) train, bus erreichen, kriegen (inf)if you want to catch the 4 o'clock post... — wenn das mit der Vieruhrleerung mitsoll...
if I hurry I'll catch the end of the film — wenn ich mich beeile kriege ich das Ende des Films noch mit (inf)
6) (= become entangled) hängen bleiben mit7) (with stitches) mit ein paar Stichen befestigen8) (= understand, hear) mitkriegen (inf)9)to catch an illness — sich (dat) eine Krankheit zuziehen or holen (inf)
you'll catch your death (of cold)! — du holst dir den Tod! (inf)
10) (= portray) mood, atmosphere etc einfangen11)to catch one's breath (after exercise etc) — Luft holen, verschnaufen
the blow/ball caught him on the arm —
you'll catch it! ( Brit inf ) — es setzt was! (inf), du kannst (aber) was erleben!
he caught it all right! ( Brit inf ) (physically) (verbally) — der hat vielleicht eine Abreibung bekommen! (inf) der hat aber was zu hören bekommen! (inf)
3. vi1) (with ball) fangen3) (= get stuck) klemmen, sich verklemmen; (= get entangled) hängen bleiben, sich verfangen* * *catch [kætʃ]A s1. Fangen n:play catch sich den Ball zuwerfen (Kinder)2. Fang m, Beute f (beide auch fig):no catch kein gutes Geschäft3. there was a catch in his voice seine Stimme stockte4. Halt m, Griff m5. TECHa) Haken m, Schnäpper m, (Tür) Klinke f:catch of a lock Schließhakenb) Sperre f, Sicherung f, Verschluss m (einer Brosche etc)c) Knagge f, Mitnehmer md) ARCH Halter m6. fig umg Haken m:there must be a catch somewhere die Sache muss irgendwo einen Haken haben;the catch is that … der Haken an der Sache ist, dass …7. fig Brocken m, Bruchstück n:catches of a conversation Gesprächsfetzen8. AGR US Keimen n, Ausschlagen nB v/t prät und pperf caught [kɔːt]1. a) einen Ball etc fangen, auch einen Blick auffangen, (er)haschen, ein Tier etc (ein)fangen, Flüssigkeiten auffangenb) allg bekommen, kriegen umg, erwischen umg:catch a thief einen Dieb fassen oder umg schnappen;get caught gefasst werden;catch a train einen Zug (noch) kriegen oder erwischen; → breath 1, cold A 8, crab1 A 1, glimpse A 1, sight A 2, Tartar1 A 22. jemanden einholensb at sth jemanden bei etwas;sb doing sth jemanden dabei, wie er etwas tut):catch sb stealing jemanden beim Stehlen ertappen;catch o.s. thinking that … sich bei dem Gedanken ertappen, dass …;let me catch you at it again! lass dich ja nicht mehr dabei erwischen!;they were ( oder got) caught in a storm sie wurden vom Sturm überrascht, sie gerieten in ein Unwetter;catch me (doing that)! Br umg (das) fällt mir nicht im Traum ein!, denkste!;catch him! er lässt sich nicht erwischen!;he caught himself er hielt plötzlich inne (beim Sprechen), er fing sich (gerade noch); → act A 1, nap1 A 2, unawares 24. packen, ergreifen, erfassen (alle auch fig):she caught her child to herself sie riss ihr Kind an sich;the fire caught the curtains das Feuer erfasste die Vorhänge;he caught ( oder was caught with) the general enthusiasm er wurde von der allgemeinen Begeisterung erfasst oder angesteckt; → hold2 A 15. fig die Fantasie ansprechen:catch sb’s ear jemandem ans Ohr dringen;catch sb’s eye jemandem ins Auge fallen;catch sb’s eye ( oder attention) jemandes Aufmerksamkeit auf sich lenken, jemanden auf sich aufmerksam machen;6. erfassen, verstehen, mitkriegen umg:7. fig einfangen:caught from life dem Leben abgelauscht8. sich eine Krankheit etc holen, sich eine Erkältung etc, auch eine Strafe etc zuziehen, bekommen:catch (a) cold sich erkälten ( skiing beim Skifahren);catch a bullet in one’s leg einen Schuss ins Bein abbekommen;9. fig eine Gewohnheit, Aussprache annehmencatch one’s foot in sth mit dem Fuß in etwas hängen bleiben;my fingers were caught in the door ich klemmte mir die Finger in der Tür11. slb) treffen:C v/i1. fassen, greifen:catch at greifen oder schnappen nach, (fig eine Gelegenheit gern) ergreifen; → shadow A 5, straw A 13. sich verfangen, hängen bleiben ( beide:in in dat;on an dat):4. klemmen, festsitzen:5. sich ausbreiten (Feuer)6. anspringen (Motor)7. GASTR anbrennen8. US AGR keimen, ausschlagen* * *1. transitive verb,1) (capture) fangen; (lay hold of) fassen; packencatch somebody by the arm — jemanden am Arm packen od. fassen
catch hold of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas festhalten; (to stop oneself falling) sich an jemandem/etwas festhalten
2) (intercept motion of) auffangen; fangen [Ball]get something caught or catch something on/in something — mit etwas an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
I got my finger caught or caught my finger in the door — ich habe mir den Finger in der Tür eingeklemmt
get caught on/in something — an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
3) (travel by) nehmen; (manage to see) sehen; (be in time for) [noch] erreichen; [noch] kriegen (ugs.) [Bus, Zug]; [noch] erwischen (ugs.) [Person]4) (surprise)catch somebody at/doing something — jemanden bei etwas erwischen (ugs.) /[dabei] erwischen, wie er etwas tut (ugs.)
I caught myself thinking how... — ich ertappte mich bei dem Gedanken, wie...
5) (become infected with, receive) sich (Dat.) zuziehen od. (ugs.) holencatch [a] cold — sich erkälten/sich (Dat.) einen Schnupfen holen; (fig.) übel dran sein
catch it — (fig. coll.) etwas kriegen (ugs.)
6) (arrest)catch somebody's fancy — jemandem gefallen; jemanden ansprechen
catch the Speaker's eye — (Parl.) das Wort erhalten
catch somebody's eye — jemandem auffallen; [Gegenstand:] jemandem ins Auge fallen; (be impossible to overlook) jemandem ins Auge springen
7) (hit)catch somebody on/in something — jemanden auf/in etwas (Akk.) treffen
catch somebody a blow [on/in something] — jemandem einen Schlag [auf/in etwas (Akk.)] versetzen
8) (grasp in thought) verstehen; mitbekommen2. intransitive verb,did you catch his meaning? — hast du verstanden od. mitbekommen, was er meint?
1) (begin to burn) [anfangen zu] brennen2) (become fixed) hängen bleiben; [Haar, Faden:] sich verfangen3. noun1) (of ball)make [several] good catches — [mehrmals] gut fangen
2) (amount caught, lit. or fig.) Fang, der3) (trick, difficulty) Haken, der (in an + Dat.)the catch is that... — der Haken an der Sache ist, dass...
it's catch-22 — (coll.) es ist ein Teufelskreis
5) (Cricket etc.) ≈ Fang, der; Abfangen des Balles, das den Schlagmann aus dem Spiel bringt6) (catcher)Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up* * *n.Fang ¨-e m.Raste -n f.Schnappverschluss m. (at) v.ertappen (bei) v.erwischen v. v.(§ p.,p.p.: caught)= auffangen v.erwischen v.fangen v.(§ p.,pp.: fing, gefangen)fassen v.verstehen v. -
7 post
I pəust noun(a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.) poste- keep somebody posted
- keep posted
1. pəust noun((the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc: I sent the book by post; Has the post arrived yet?; Is there any post for me?)
2. verb(to send (a letter etc) by post: He posted the parcel yesterday.) mandar por correo- postage- postal
- postage stamp
- postal order
- postbox
- postcard
- postcode
- post-free
- post-haste
- posthaste
- postman
- postmark
- postmaster
- post office
1. pəust noun1) (a job: He has a post in the government; a teaching post.) puesto de trabajo, cargo2) (a place of duty: The soldier remained at his post.) puesto3) (a settlement, camp etc especially in a distant or unpopulated area: a trading-post.) puesto
2. verb(to send somewhere on duty: He was posted abroad.) destinar; apostar
IV pəustpost1 n1. poste / palo / estaca2. correo3. puestopost2 vb enviar / mandarcould you post this letter for me? ¿me puedes echar esta carta al correo?tr[pəʊst]■ is there anything for me in the post? ¿hay alguna carta para mí en el correo?1 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (send - letter, parcel) enviar por correo, mandar por correo, echar al correo; (put in postbox) echar al buzón2 (enter - in ledger) anotar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto keep somebody posted mantener a alguien al corriente, tener a alguien al corrienteto post something to somebody mandar algo a alguien (por correo)post office Correos, oficina de correospost office box apartado de correos————————tr[pəʊst]1 (job) puesto, empleo; (important position) cargo2 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL puesto1 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL destinar, apostar2 (employee) destinar, mandar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto take up one's post (job) ocupar el cargo, entrar en funciones————————tr[pəʊst]1 (of wood) estaca, poste nombre masculino1 (notice, list) fijar, poner, exponer\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALL'Post no bills' "Prohibido fijar carteles"goal post poste nombre masculino, palofinishing post poste nombre masculino de llegadapost ['po:st] vt1) mail: echar al correo, mandar por correo2) announce: anunciarthey've posted the grades: han anunciado las notas3) affix: fijar, poner (noticias, etc.)4) station: apostar5)to keep (someone) posted : tener al corriente (a alguien)post n1) pole: poste m, palo m2) station: puesto m3) camp: puesto m (militar)4) job, position: puesto m, empleo m, cargo mn.• apostadero s.m.• buzón s.m.• cargo s.m.• correo s.m.• destino s.m.• estafeta s.f.• guarnición s.f.• mala s.f.• poste s.m.• puesto s.m.v.• apostar v.• contabilizar v.• echar al correo v.• fijar v.• mandar por correo v.• pegar v.• situar v.
I pəʊstmass noun1)a) c ( pole) poste mas deaf as a post — más sordo que una tapia
b) u ( in horse racing) poste mthe finishing/starting post — el poste de llegada/salida, la meta/salida; pip II
2) u ( mail) (esp BrE) correo mto send something by post o through the post — mandar or enviar* algo por correo
by separate post — en sobre aparte or por separado
it's in the post — ya ha sido enviado or está en camino
was there any post this morning? — ¿llegó alguna carta esta mañana?
the first/second post — ( delivery) el primer/segundo reparto; ( collection) la primera/segunda recogida
to catch/miss the post — llegar* a/perder* la recogida
3) ca) ( job) puesto m, empleo mto take up one's post — entrar en funciones, empezar* a trabajar
b) ( important position) cargo mc) ( place of duty) puesto m4) c ( station) puesto ma frontier/customs post — un puesto fronterizo/de aduanas
1)a) ( position) \<\<policeman/soldier\>\> apostarb) ( send) \<\<employee/diplomat\>\> destinar, mandar2) ( mail) (esp BrE) \<\<letter/parcel\>\> echar al correo; ( drop in postbox) echar al buzónto post something to somebody — mandarle or enviarle* algo a alguien (por correo)
3)a) ( announce) \<\<meeting/reward\>\> anunciarto keep somebody posted — mantener* or tener* a alguien al tanto or al corriente
b) post (up) \<\<list/notice\>\> poner*, fijar
I [pǝʊst]1. N1) [of wood, metal] poste m; (also: goalpost) poste m (de la portería); (for fencing, marking) estaca f; bedpost, deaf 1., 1), doorpost, pillar 1.2) (Sport)•
the winning post — la meta- be left at the postfirst 1., pip III3) (on Internet) mensaje m2. VT2) (=announce) [+ exam results] hacer público, sacar•
to post sth/sb (as) missing — dar algo/a algn por desaparecido3) (Comm) (also: post up) [+ transaction] anotar, registrar; (US) (St Ex) [+ profit, loss] registrar4) (=inform)•
to keep sb posted (on or about sth) — tener or mantener a algn al corriente or al tanto or informado (de algo)5) (US) (Sport) [+ time, score] registrar, obtener6) (Internet) colgar, publicar3.CPD
II [pǝʊst]1. N1) (Brit) (=mail service) correo m•
by post or through the post — por correofirst-class 2., registered 2., return 1., 1)•
your cheque is in the post — su cheque está en el correo2) (=letters) correo mis there any post for me? — ¿hay correo para mí?
3) (=office) correos m; (=mailbox) buzón mto drop or put sth in the post to sb — enviar or mandar algo a algn
4) (=collection) recogida f; (=delivery) entrega fthe post goes at 8.30 — la recogida del correo es a las 8.30, recogen el correo a las 8.30
to catch the post — echar el correo antes de la recogida•
to miss the post — no llegar a tiempo para la recogida del correo•
it will arrive in the second post — llegue en el segundo reparto5) (=cost) gastos mpl de envío6) (Hist) (=rider) correo m; (=coach) posta f2.VT (=send by post) (also: post off) mandar or enviar por correo; (Brit) (=put in mailbox) echar al correo or al buzónthis was posted on Monday — esto se echó al correo or al buzón el lunes
to post sth to sb — mandar or enviar algo a algn por correohe posted a message to a newsgroup — (Internet) dejó un mensaje en un grupo de discusión
3.CPDpost office N — oficina f de correos, correos m, correo m (LAm)
I'm going to the post office — voy a correos, voy al correo (LAm)
the Post Office N — ≈ la Dirección General de Correos
post office box N — apartado m de correos, casilla f (postal or de correo(s)) (LAm)
Post Office Savings Bank N — ≈ Caja f Postal de Ahorros
post office worker N — empleado(-a) m / f de correos
III [pǝʊst]1. Nshe's been offered a research post — le han ofrecido un puesto or un trabajo de investigadora
to take up one's post — (gen) ocupar el puesto; (high-ranking) entrar en funciones, ocupar el cargoshe resigned to take up a post at the university — dimitió porque consiguió un puesto en la universidad
2) (Mil) (=place of duty, stronghold) puesto m; (for gun) emplazamiento mcommand 3., customs 2., observation 2.•
at one's post — en su puesto2. VT1) (Mil) [+ sentry, guard] apostar2) (Brit) (=send) [+ diplomat, soldier] destinar3) (US) (Jur) [+ collateral] pagar3.CPDpost exchange N — (US) (Mil) economato m militar, cooperativa f militar
* * *
I [pəʊst]mass noun1)a) c ( pole) poste mas deaf as a post — más sordo que una tapia
b) u ( in horse racing) poste mthe finishing/starting post — el poste de llegada/salida, la meta/salida; pip II
2) u ( mail) (esp BrE) correo mto send something by post o through the post — mandar or enviar* algo por correo
by separate post — en sobre aparte or por separado
it's in the post — ya ha sido enviado or está en camino
was there any post this morning? — ¿llegó alguna carta esta mañana?
the first/second post — ( delivery) el primer/segundo reparto; ( collection) la primera/segunda recogida
to catch/miss the post — llegar* a/perder* la recogida
3) ca) ( job) puesto m, empleo mto take up one's post — entrar en funciones, empezar* a trabajar
b) ( important position) cargo mc) ( place of duty) puesto m4) c ( station) puesto ma frontier/customs post — un puesto fronterizo/de aduanas
1)a) ( position) \<\<policeman/soldier\>\> apostarb) ( send) \<\<employee/diplomat\>\> destinar, mandar2) ( mail) (esp BrE) \<\<letter/parcel\>\> echar al correo; ( drop in postbox) echar al buzónto post something to somebody — mandarle or enviarle* algo a alguien (por correo)
3)a) ( announce) \<\<meeting/reward\>\> anunciarto keep somebody posted — mantener* or tener* a alguien al tanto or al corriente
b) post (up) \<\<list/notice\>\> poner*, fijar -
8 catch
1. сущ.
1) поимка;
2) а) улов;
добыча б) амер.;
разг. урожай, жатва( особ. в количестве, которое делает дальнейшее высевание необязательным)
3) игра в мяч to play catch ≈ играть в мяч
4) загвоздка, препятствие That's the catch. ≈ В этом-то вся загвоздка. Syn: hitch
1., rub
5) захватывающее, запирающее приспособление а) задвижка, защелка, запор, щеколда, шпингалет Syn: fastener, latch
1. б) стяжной болт в) тормоз, стопор;
6) а) выгода;
выгодное приобретение Syn: acquisition б) выгодная партия (для женитьбы или замужества)
7) муз. небольшая пьеса для трех или более голосов, вступающих попеременно с одинаковой мелодией
2. гл.
1) ловить;
схватывать to catch a thief ≈ поймать вора to catch a ball ≈ поймать мяч to catch a fish ≈ поймать рыбу Syn: capture
2) а) заманивать в ловушку, ловить (на чем-л.) to catch in a lie ≈ поймать на вранье to catch in a web ≈ опутать паутиной Syn: trap
2., ensnare б) обманывать, вводить в заблуждение Syn: deceive, mislead
3) а) заставать;
обнаруживать to catch at smth. ≈ застать кого-л. за чем-л. I've caught you at your tricks again! ≈ Опять ты за свое! to catch unawares ≈ застать врасплох to be caught stealing ≈ попасться на краже to catch a person in the act ≈ застать кого-л. на месте преступления to catch in ≈ застать кого-л. дома, на работе и т. д. You might catch him in about 11 o'clock. ≈ Ты можешь застать его дома около 11 часов. to catch napping ≈ застать кого-л. спящим Father was supposed to be working, but when I went in I caught him napping. ≈ Я думал, что отец на работе, но когда вошел, то застал его спящим. б) захватывать( о дожде, шторме и т. п.) to be caught in the rain ≈ попасть под дождь The rain caught us just as we had reached the shoulder of the hill. ≈ Дождь захватил нас, когда мы достигли склона холма. в) разг. (только в прош. вр. или прич. прош. вр.;
пасс.) 'залетать', забеременеть She's been caught - she's about five months gone. ≈ Она 'залетела' - у нее уже пять месяцев.
4) а) догнать( более употребительно catch up) Syn: overtake б) успеть, попасть ( на поезд и т. п.) to catch the train ≈ успеть к поезду I must finish my letter in time to catch the post. ≈ Я должен вовремя закончить письмо, чтобы успеть попасть на почту.
5) ударить, попасть She caught him a sounding box on the ear. ≈ Она нанесла ему звучный удар кулаком в ухо.
6) а) схватить (резко или неожиданно) Syn: grasp
2., seize б) охватывать( об огне;
тж. в более широком значении) The fire caught many houses. ≈ Огонь охватил много домов. The wind and sun have fairly caught us all these last three days. ≈ Ветер и солнце практически не отпускали нас в эти последние три дня. в) зацепить(ся) ;
защемить to catch one's finger in a door ≈ прищемить себе палец дверью to catch on smth. ≈ привязывать(ся) к чему-л. My coat caught on a nail and tore. ≈ Мое пальто зацепилось за гвоздь и порвалось. I would have been early enough, but I caught my coat on a nail just as I was leaving. ≈ Я должен был приехать достаточно рано, но когда я уезжал, я зацепился пальто за гвоздь. Syn: snag
2., jam I
7) поймать, воспользоваться( возможностью)
8) схватывать, получать( что-л. неприятное или опасное) ;
заразиться to catch one's death( of cold) ≈ умереть( от простуды) to catch (a) cold ≈ простудиться, подхватить простуду She caught a cold from her brother. ≈ Она подхватила простуду от своего брата. to catch measles ≈ заразиться корью to catch fire ≈ загореться, воспламениться to catch frost ≈ покрыться льдом
9) ловить, улавливать (слова, смысл и т. п.) to catch a person's meaning ≈ уловить, понять чью-л. мысль to catch a likeness ≈ уловить (и передать) сходство to catch a glimpse of smth. ≈ увидеть что-л. на мгновение to catch the character, spirit ≈ уловить характер( актера) catch the eye Syn: grasp
10) смотреть (театральный спектакль или телевизионную программу) ;
слушать (концерт и т. п.) You can have a cigarette or a drink, read the newspaper or catch the television news. ≈ Можно закурить или выпить, почитать газету или посмотреть новости по телевизору.
11) прерывать, останавливать( резко, внезапно) He caught himself before giving away a secret. ≈ Он на секунду остановился, перед тем, как выдать секрет. ∙ catch alight catch at catch away catch flat-footed catch in catch it catch napping catch off catch on catch out catch red-handed catch up Catch me (doing that) ! ≈ Чтоб я это сделал? Никогда! to catch the Speaker's eye парл. ≈ получить слово в палате общин to catch at a straw ≈ хвататься за соломинку to catch smb. in the act ≈ застать кого-л. за чем-л. плохим to catch one's foot ≈ споткнуться to catch smb. on the hop ≈ застать кого-л. врасплох to catch smb. on the raw ≈ задевать кого-л., причинять боль, сказав что-л. to catch smb. on the wrong foot ≈ застать кого-л. врасплох catch one's breath be caught short catch hold of catch sight of catch off guard поимка;
- her * was quick enough to keep the plate from hitting the floor она успела быстро схватить падающую на пол тарелку улов;
- a fine * of fish хороший улов рыбы;
- that bachelor is a good * этот холостяк - завидный жених( разговорное) хитрость, ловушка;
- * question каверзный вопрос;
- there must be a * somewhere здесь что-то не так;
здесь есть какой-то подвох;
- what's the * in his offer? что скрывается за его предложением?;
- that's the * в этом-то вся хитрость выгодное приобретение;
- no *, not much of a * незавидное приобретение;
грош цена;
не Бог весть какое сокровище задвижка, засов;
шпингалет (техническое) захватывающее, запирающее приспособление( техническое) стяжной болт( техническое) тормоз;
арретир приостановка на мгновение( дыхания) ;
потеря на мгновение (голоса) ;
- with a * in her voice прерывающимся голосом отрывки, обрывки, кусочки;
- *es of old tunes обрывки старых мелодий игра в мяч;
перебрасывание мяча;
- to play * играть в мяч поимка мяча (спортивное) кетч (борьба) (сельскохозяйственное) самосев хлебных злаков (музыкальное) (историческое) качча (жанр светских вокальных пьес XIV-XVI вв.) поймать, схватить;
ловить поймать, застигнуть;
застать, захватить;
- to * smb. red-handed застать кого-л на месте преступления;
- to * smb. napping застать кого-л врасплох;
- to * in a lie изобличить во лжи;
- to * in a word поймать на слове;
(библеизм) уловить в слове;
- to be caught in a snowstorm мы были застигнуты метелью;
- to be caught cheating быть уличенным в мошенничестве;
- to be caught in the turmoil быть вовлеченным в водоворот( событий) ;
- a rat was caught in the trap крыса попалась в крысоловку;
- I caught him out я поймал его на лжи;
- * caught him at it я его поймал на этом схватить, задержать;
- the policeman caught the thief полицейский задержал вора ухватиться, схватить;
- he caught at the rope он уцепился за веревку прицепляться, придираться к;
- he *es at everything он ко всему придирается уловить, поймать;
- to * a likeness схватить сходство (в партрете) ;
- to * an opportunity воспользоваться случаем, ухватиться за представившуюся возможность (разговорное) уловить смысл, понять;
- I don't * your meaning не понимаю, что вы хотите сказать;
- he's not very quick at *ing on, is he? ведь он тугодум зацепить;
- to * one's finger in the door прищемить себе палец дверью зацепиться;
- her dress caught on a nail она зацепилась платьем за гвоздь;
- he boat was caught in the reeds лодка застряла в камышах поддеть;
поймать в ловушку;
- you've caught me this time! ну и поддели вы меня! попасть, ударить;
- the blow caught him on the head удар пришелся ему по голове;
- I caught him one in the eye (просторечие) я поставил ему синяк под глазом заболеть, заразиться;
схватить (болезнь) ;
- to * scarlet fever заразиться скарлатиной;
- to * a chill простудиться;
- to * one's death of cold простудиться и умереть захватывать;
перехватывать успеть, поспеть;
- to * the train поспеть на поезд;
- I wonder whether I can * the post не опоздаю ли я к почте? схватить, условить;
- to * a melody схватить мелодию;
- I didn't quite * what you said я не расслышал, что вы сказали увидеть;
- to * sight of smth увидеть что-л (на мгновение) ;
- I caught sight of her in the crowd я видел, как она мелькнула в толпе привлечь;
- bright colours * a baby's eye яркие цвета привлекают ребенка;
- the fact caught her attention ее внимание было привлечено этим фактом;
- to * the imagination поразить воображение запираться;
- the lock won't * замок не запирается прерывать (оратора) ;
сбивать вопросами и выкриками > to * it получить нагоняй;
> I caught it мне досталось;
> you will * it! будет тебе на орехи!;
> to * one's foot споткнуться;
> to * the trick наловчиться;
схватить (как что-л делается) ;
> to * a crab (спортивное) (жаргон) "поймать леща";
> * me doing that! чтоб я это сделал? Никогда!;
> * me ever telling him anything again! черта с два я ему теперь что-нибудь расскажу!;
> to * the Speaker's eye (парламентское) получить слово в палате общин;
> to * fire загореться, воспламениться;
зажечься( энтузиазмом) ;
> to * hold of smth ухватиться за что-л;
> to * one's breath затаить дыхание;
перевести дух, отдышаться;
> * as * can лови, хватай;
> on a catch-as-catch-can basis( специальное) без определенной очередности;
> you don't * old birds with chaff (пословица) старого воробья на мякине не проведешь;
> a drowning man will * at a straw (пословица) утопающий за соломинку хватается ~ успеть, застать;
to catch the train поспеть к поезду;
to catch a person in the act застать (кого-л.) на месте преступления;
to be caught in the rain попасть под дождь rain: the ~s период тропических дождей;
to be caught in the rain попасть под дождь, быть застигнутым дождем;
to keep the rain out укрыться от дождя ~ зацепить(ся) ;
to catch one's finger in a door прищемить себе палец дверью;
the boat was caught in the reeds лодка застряла в камышах catch выгода;
выгодное приобретение;
that is not much of a catch барыш невелик ~ выигрыш ~ догнать ~ задерживать ~ тех. захватывающее, запирающее приспособление;
щеколда, задвижка, защелка;
стяжной болт ~ зацепить(ся) ;
to catch one's finger in a door прищемить себе палец дверью;
the boat was caught in the reeds лодка застряла в камышах ~ (caught) ловить;
to catch hold (of smth.) ухватиться (за что-л.) ~ поимка;
захват ~ поймать ~ покрываться льдом (тж. catch over) ;
the river catches река стала ~ прерывать, перебивать ~ приостановка (дыхания, голоса) ~ схватить;
to catch a cold простудиться;
to catch measles заразиться корью;
paper catches fire easily бумага легко воспламеняется ~ тех. тормоз, стопор;
that's the catch в этом-то все дело ~ ударить;
I caught him one in the eye я подставил ему синяк под глазом ~ удачная операция ~ улов;
добыча ~ уловить;
to catch a person's meaning уловить, понять (чью-л.) мысль ~ успеть, застать;
to catch the train поспеть к поезду;
to catch a person in the act застать (кого-л.) на месте преступления;
to be caught in the rain попасть под дождь ~ хитрость;
ловушка ~ схватить;
to catch a cold простудиться;
to catch measles заразиться корью;
paper catches fire easily бумага легко воспламеняется to ~ a glimpse (of smth.) увидеть (что-л.) на мгновение to ~ a likeness уловить (и передать) сходство ~ успеть, застать;
to catch the train поспеть к поезду;
to catch a person in the act застать (кого-л.) на месте преступления;
to be caught in the rain попасть под дождь ~ уловить;
to catch a person's meaning уловить, понять (чью-л.) мысль ~ at обрадоваться( чему-л.) ~ at ухватиться (за что-л.) ~ away утащить ~ (caught) ловить;
to catch hold (of smth.) ухватиться (за что-л.) to ~ in a web опутать паутиной to ~ it разг. получить нагоняй;
I caught it мне досталось, попало;
catch me (doing that) ! чтоб я это сделал? Никогда! it: it: catch ~ получать выговор to ~ it разг. получить нагоняй;
I caught it мне досталось, попало;
catch me (doing that) ! чтоб я это сделал? Никогда! ~ схватить;
to catch a cold простудиться;
to catch measles заразиться корью;
paper catches fire easily бумага легко воспламеняется ~ off амер. жарг. заснуть ~ on понимать ~ on становиться модным ~ on ухватиться (за что-л.) to ~ one's breath затаить дыхание to ~ one's breath перевести дух ~ зацепить(ся) ;
to catch one's finger in a door прищемить себе палец дверью;
the boat was caught in the reeds лодка застряла в камышах to ~ one's foot споткнуться to ~ the eye поймать взгляд to ~ the eye попасться на глаза to ~ the Speaker's eye парл. получить слово в палате общин ~ успеть, застать;
to catch the train поспеть к поезду;
to catch a person in the act застать (кого-л.) на месте преступления;
to be caught in the rain попасть под дождь ~ up догнать;
we had caught up on sleep нам удалось отоспаться ~ up догонять ~ up поднять;
подхватить (тж. перен., напр. новое слово) ~ up прервать ~ up амер. приготовить лошадей (для путешественников) ~ ударить;
I caught him one in the eye я подставил ему синяк под глазом to ~ it разг. получить нагоняй;
I caught it мне досталось, попало;
catch me (doing that) ! чтоб я это сделал? Никогда! ~ схватить;
to catch a cold простудиться;
to catch measles заразиться корью;
paper catches fire easily бумага легко воспламеняется ~ покрываться льдом (тж. catch over) ;
the river catches река стала catch выгода;
выгодное приобретение;
that is not much of a catch барыш невелик ~ тех. тормоз, стопор;
that's the catch в этом-то все дело ~ up догнать;
we had caught up on sleep нам удалось отоспаться -
I pəust noun(a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.) poste- keep somebody posted
- keep posted
1. pəust noun((the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc: I sent the book by post; Has the post arrived yet?; Is there any post for me?)
2. verb(to send (a letter etc) by post: He posted the parcel yesterday.) mandar por correo- postage- postal
- postage stamp
- postal order
- postbox
- postcard
- postcode
- post-free
- post-haste
- posthaste
- postman
- postmark
- postmaster
- post office
1. pəust noun1) (a job: He has a post in the government; a teaching post.) puesto de trabajo, cargo2) (a place of duty: The soldier remained at his post.) puesto3) (a settlement, camp etc especially in a distant or unpopulated area: a trading-post.) puesto
2. verb(to send somewhere on duty: He was posted abroad.) destinar; apostar
IV pəustpost1 n1. poste / palo / estaca2. correo3. puestopost2 vb enviar / mandarcould you post this letter for me? ¿me puedes echar esta carta al correo?tr[pəʊst]■ is there anything for me in the post? ¿hay alguna carta para mí en el correo?1 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (send - letter, parcel) enviar por correo, mandar por correo, echar al correo; (put in postbox) echar al buzón2 (enter - in ledger) anotar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto keep somebody posted mantener a alguien al corriente, tener a alguien al corrienteto post something to somebody mandar algo a alguien (por correo)post office Correos, oficina de correospost office box apartado de correos————————tr[pəʊst]1 (job) puesto, empleo; (important position) cargo2 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL puesto1 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL destinar, apostar2 (employee) destinar, mandar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto take up one's post (job) ocupar el cargo, entrar en funciones————————tr[pəʊst]1 (of wood) estaca, poste nombre masculino1 (notice, list) fijar, poner, exponer\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALL'Post no bills' "Prohibido fijar carteles"goal post poste nombre masculino, palofinishing post poste nombre masculino de llegadapost ['po:st] vt1) mail: echar al correo, mandar por correo2) announce: anunciarthey've posted the grades: han anunciado las notas3) affix: fijar, poner (noticias, etc.)4) station: apostar5)to keep (someone) posted : tener al corriente (a alguien)post n1) pole: poste m, palo m2) station: puesto m3) camp: puesto m (militar)4) job, position: puesto m, empleo m, cargo mn.• apostadero s.m.• buzón s.m.• cargo s.m.• correo s.m.• destino s.m.• estafeta s.f.• guarnición s.f.• mala s.f.• poste s.m.• puesto s.m.v.• apostar v.• contabilizar v.• echar al correo v.• fijar v.• mandar por correo v.• pegar v.• situar v.
I pəʊstmass noun1)a) c ( pole) poste mas deaf as a post — más sordo que una tapia
b) u ( in horse racing) poste mthe finishing/starting post — el poste de llegada/salida, la meta/salida; pip II
2) u ( mail) (esp BrE) correo mto send something by post o through the post — mandar or enviar* algo por correo
by separate post — en sobre aparte or por separado
it's in the post — ya ha sido enviado or está en camino
was there any post this morning? — ¿llegó alguna carta esta mañana?
the first/second post — ( delivery) el primer/segundo reparto; ( collection) la primera/segunda recogida
to catch/miss the post — llegar* a/perder* la recogida
3) ca) ( job) puesto m, empleo mto take up one's post — entrar en funciones, empezar* a trabajar
b) ( important position) cargo mc) ( place of duty) puesto m4) c ( station) puesto ma frontier/customs post — un puesto fronterizo/de aduanas
1)a) ( position) \<\<policeman/soldier\>\> apostarb) ( send) \<\<employee/diplomat\>\> destinar, mandar2) ( mail) (esp BrE) \<\<letter/parcel\>\> echar al correo; ( drop in postbox) echar al buzónto post something to somebody — mandarle or enviarle* algo a alguien (por correo)
3)a) ( announce) \<\<meeting/reward\>\> anunciarto keep somebody posted — mantener* or tener* a alguien al tanto or al corriente
b) post (up) \<\<list/notice\>\> poner*, fijarN ABBR= point-of-sale terminal* * *
I [pəʊst]mass noun1)a) c ( pole) poste mas deaf as a post — más sordo que una tapia
b) u ( in horse racing) poste mthe finishing/starting post — el poste de llegada/salida, la meta/salida; pip II
2) u ( mail) (esp BrE) correo mto send something by post o through the post — mandar or enviar* algo por correo
by separate post — en sobre aparte or por separado
it's in the post — ya ha sido enviado or está en camino
was there any post this morning? — ¿llegó alguna carta esta mañana?
the first/second post — ( delivery) el primer/segundo reparto; ( collection) la primera/segunda recogida
to catch/miss the post — llegar* a/perder* la recogida
3) ca) ( job) puesto m, empleo mto take up one's post — entrar en funciones, empezar* a trabajar
b) ( important position) cargo mc) ( place of duty) puesto m4) c ( station) puesto ma frontier/customs post — un puesto fronterizo/de aduanas
1)a) ( position) \<\<policeman/soldier\>\> apostarb) ( send) \<\<employee/diplomat\>\> destinar, mandar2) ( mail) (esp BrE) \<\<letter/parcel\>\> echar al correo; ( drop in postbox) echar al buzónto post something to somebody — mandarle or enviarle* algo a alguien (por correo)
3)a) ( announce) \<\<meeting/reward\>\> anunciarto keep somebody posted — mantener* or tener* a alguien al tanto or al corriente
b) post (up) \<\<list/notice\>\> poner*, fijar -
10 post
I [pəʊst]nome BE (system) posta f., poste f.pl.; (letters) posta f., corrispondenza f.; (delivery) (distribuzione della) posta f.II [pəʊst]- post on••III [pəʊst]to keep sb. posted — tenere qcn. al corrente
1) (job) posto m. (as, of di)2) (duty, station) posto m., postazione f. (anche mil.)IV [pəʊst]verbo transitivo mil.1) (send) destinare, assegnare2) (station) postare [guard, sentry]V [pəʊst]VI [pəʊst]to be the first past the post — tagliare per primo il traguardo; pol. fig. vincere con la maggioranza relativa
* * *I [pəust] noun(a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.)- keep somebody posted
- keep posted II 1. [pəust] noun((the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc: I sent the book by post; Has the post arrived yet?; Is there any post for me?)2. verb(to send (a letter etc) by post: He posted the parcel yesterday.)- postage- postal
- postage stamp
- postal order
- postbox
- postcard
- postcode
- post-free
- post-haste
- posthaste
- postman
- postmark
- postmaster
- post office III 1. [pəust] noun1) (a job: He has a post in the government; a teaching post.)2) (a place of duty: The soldier remained at his post.)3) (a settlement, camp etc especially in a distant or unpopulated area: a trading-post.)2. verb(to send somewhere on duty: He was posted abroad.)IV [pəust]* * *I [pəʊst]1. n(pole) palostarting/finishing post — (for race) palo di partenza/arrivo
to be pipped at the post — essere battuto (-a) sul filo del traguardo, fig perdere per un pelo
2. vt1) (also: post up) (notice, list) affiggere2) (announce) annunciareII [pəʊst]to post sb/sth (as) missing Mil — dare qn/qc per disperso (-a)
1. n(Brit: mail) postato catch/miss the post — arrivare/non arrivare in tempo per la levata
2. vt1) (send) spedire per posta, mandare per posta, (Brit: put in mailbox) impostare, imbucare2)to keep sb posted — tenere qn al correnteIII [pəʊst]1. n1) (job) posto2) Mil posto2. vt1) (position: sentry) piazzare2) (Brit: send, assign) inviare, Mil assegnare* * *I [pəʊst]nome BE (system) posta f., poste f.pl.; (letters) posta f., corrispondenza f.; (delivery) (distribuzione della) posta f.II [pəʊst]- post on••III [pəʊst]to keep sb. posted — tenere qcn. al corrente
1) (job) posto m. (as, of di)2) (duty, station) posto m., postazione f. (anche mil.)IV [pəʊst]verbo transitivo mil.1) (send) destinare, assegnare2) (station) postare [guard, sentry]V [pəʊst]VI [pəʊst]to be the first past the post — tagliare per primo il traguardo; pol. fig. vincere con la maggioranza relativa
11 catch
1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) coger, atrapar2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) coger, llegar a tiempo, alcanzar3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) pillar, sorprender, coger, pescar4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) contagiarse de, contraer5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) engancharse6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) dar con, darse con7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) oir, entender, captar8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) prender (fuego)
2. noun1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) parada2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) pestillo3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) presa, captura4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) trampa•- catching- catchy
- catch-phrase
- catch-word
- catch someone's eye
- catch on
- catch out
- catch up
catch vb coger / atraparhe caught the ball, but then he dropped it cogió la pelota, pero luego se le cayótr[kæʧ]1 (of ball) parada2 (of fish) presa3 familiar (difficulty) pega, trampa4 (fastener on door) pestillo■ bet you can't catch me! ¡a que no me coges!2 (surprise) pillar, sorprender, coger, pescar; (catch up with) alcanzar, pillar3 (train, plane - take) coger, tomar; (- be in time for) alcanzar4 familiar (manage to see, hear, attend) pescar5 (hear, understand) oír, entender, captar■ sorry, I didn't quite catch that perdona, no lo he entendido bien6 (entangle, get stuck - clothes, hair) engancharse; (- fingers) pillarse7 (become infected with) contagiarse de, contraer8 (hit) dar con, darse con9 (mood, likeness, etc) captar, reflejar1 (take hold of) coger2 (sleeve etc) engancharse (on, en)3 (burn) prender\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be a good catch (boyfriend, girlfriend) ser un buen partidoto be caught out by something ser sorprendido,-a por algoto be caught up in something verse envuelto,-a en algo, estar envuelto,-a en algoto catch a cold resfriarse, coger un resfriadoto catch hold of something agarrar algo, echar mano a algoto catch it ganarse una broncato catch one's breath sostener la respiraciónto catch one's death (of cold) coger una pulmonía dobleto catch somebody napping coger a alguien desprevenido,-ato catch somebody red-handed coger a alguien con las manos en la masa, coger a alguien in fragantito catch somebody with their trousers down coger a alguien in fragantito catch somebody's attention/eye atraer la atención de alguien, captar la atención de alguiento catch sight of something/somebody / catch a glimpse of something/somebody entrever algo/a alguiento get caught up in something verse envuelto,-a en algo1) capture, trap: capturar, agarrar, atrapar, coger2) : agarrar, pillar fam, tomar de sorpresathey caught him red-handed: lo pillaron con las manos en la masa3) grasp: agarrar, captar4) entangle: enganchar, enredar5) : tomar (un tren, etc.)6) : contagiarse deto catch a cold: contagiarse de un resfriado, resfriarsecatch vi1) grasp: agarrar2) hook: engancharse3) ignite: prender, agarrarcatch n1) catching: captura f, atrapada f, parada f (de una pelota)2) : redada f (de pescado), presa f (de caza)he's a good catch: es un buen partido3) latch: pestillo m, pasador m4) difficulty, trick: problema m, trampa f, truco mn.• pesca s.f.• redada s.f.adj.• engañoso, -a adj.• llamativo, -a adj.n.• aldabilla s.f.• botín s.m.• cerradero s.m.• garra s.f.• lance s.m.• pestillo s.m.• pieza s.f.• presa s.f.• trampa s.f.v.(§ p.,p.p.: caught) = atrapar v.• captar v.• capturar v.• coger v.• comprender v.• enganchar v.• entrecoger v.• pescar v.• pillar v.• prender v.• tomar v.
1. kætʃ(past & past p caught) transitive verb1) \<\<ball/object\>\> agarrar, coger* (esp Esp)he caught her by the arm — la agarró or (esp Esp) cogió del brazo
2) ( capture) \<\<mouse/lion\>\> atrapar, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<fish\>\> pescar*, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<thief\>\> atrapar3)a) ( take by surprise) agarrar, pillar (fam), pescar* (fam)to catch somebody in the act — agarrar (or pillar etc) a alguien infraganti or con las manos en la masa
you won't catch me going there again! — (colloq) a mí no me vuelven a ver el pelo por ahí! (fam)
we got caught in the rain — nos sorprendió or (fam) nos pilló or pescó la lluvia
b) ( intercept) \<\<person\>\> alcanzar*catch you later — (AmE colloq) nos vemos
4)a) \<\<train/plane\>\> ( take) tomar, coger* (esp Esp); ( be in time for) alcanzar*I only just caught it — lo alcancé con el tiempo justo, por poco lo pierdo
b) (manage to see, hear)we could catch a movie before dinner — (AmE) podríamos ir al cine antes de cenar
5) (entangle, trap)I caught my skirt on a nail — se me enganchó or (Méx tb) se me atoró or (Chi) se me pescó la falda en un clavo
I caught my finger in the drawer — me pillé or (AmL tb) me agarré el dedo en el cajón
I got caught in a traffic jam — me agarró or (esp Esp) me cogió un atasco
6)a) ( attract)did you catch what she said? — ¿oíste or entendiste lo que dijo?
c) \<\<mood/likeness\>\> captar, reflejar7) ( become infected with) \<\<disease\>\> contagiarse deto catch a cold — resfriarse*, agarrar or (esp Esp) coger* or (fam) pescar* or pillar un resfriado
I caught (the) measles from him — me contagió or (fam) me pegó el sarampión
8) ( hit)to catch it o (AmE also) catch hell (colloq): you'll really catch it if he sees you! — si te ve, te mata!
9)a) ( hold back)b) ( restrain)to catch oneself — contenerse*
vi1)a) ( grasp) agarrar, coger* (esp Esp), cachar (Méx)b) (bite, take hold) \<\<mechanism\>\> engranarc) ( become hooked) engancharse2) ( ignite) \<\<fire\>\> prender, agarrar (AmL)•Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up
1)a) ( Sport) atrapada f, parada f, atajada f (CS)b) ( potential partner)he's/she's a good catch — (colloq) es un buen partido
c) ( of fish) pesca f2) ( fastening device - on door) pestillo m, pasador m (AmL); (- on window, box, necklace) cierre msafety catch — seguro m
3) ( hidden drawback) trampa fI knew there'd be a catch in o to it somewhere — ya sabía yo que tenía que haber gato encerrado
4) ( in voice) temblor m[kætʃ] (vb: pt, pp caught)with a catch in her voice — con la voz entrecortada or temblorosa
1. N1) [of ball etc] cogida f, parada f ; [of trawler] pesca f ; [of single fish] presa f, pesca f, captura fgood catch! — (Sport) ¡la cogiste! ¡bien hecho!, ¡bien agarrada! (LAm)
he's a good catch * — (as husband etc) es un buen partido
2) (=fastener) cierre m ; (Brit) (on door) pestillo m ; (Brit) (on box, window) cerradura f ; (=small flange) fiador m3) (=trick) trampa f ; (=snag) pega fwhere's the catch? — ¿cuál es la trampa?
a question with a catch to it — una pregunta capciosa or de pega
the catch is that... — la dificultad es que...
4)5) (=game) catch-can m, lucha f2. VT1) (=grasp) asir; [+ ball] coger, agarrar (LAm); [+ fish] pescar; [+ thief] coger, atraparcatch! — ¡cógelo!, ¡toma!
to be caught between two alternatives — estar entre la espada y la pared, no saber a qué carta quedarse
to catch sb's attention or eye — llamar la atención de algn
- be caught like a rat in a trap2) (=take by surprise) pillar or coger or (LAm) tomar de sorpresato catch sb doing sth — sorprender or pillar a algn haciendo algo
to catch o.s. doing sth — sorprenderse a sí mismo haciendo algo
you won't catch me doing that — yo sería incapaz de hacer eso, nunca me verás haciendo eso
they caught him in the act — le cogieron or pillaron con las manos en la masa
3) (=contact, get hold of)when can I catch you next? — ¿cuándo podemos quedar otra vez para esto?
(I'll) catch you later! * — ¡nos vemos!
4) [+ bus, train etc] coger, tomar (LAm)5) (=hear) oír; (=understand) comprender, entender6) (=see, hear, visit) [+ TV programme, film] ver; [+ radio programme] oír, escuchar; [+ exhibition, concert] ir ato catch the post — (=be in time for) llegar antes de la recogida del correo
7) (Med) [+ disease] coger, pillar, contagiarse deyou'll catch your death (of cold)! * — ¡(te) vas a agarrar un buen resfriado!
- catch a cold8) (=capture) [+ atmosphere, likeness] saber captar, plasmar9) (=trap)10) (=hit)11) (=receive, come into contact with)12)13)to catch it * — merecerse una regañina ( from de)
you'll catch it! * — ¡las vas a pagar!, ¡te va a costar caro!
3. VI1) (=hook) engancharse (on en); (=tangle) enredarse2) [fire, wood] prender, encenderse; (Culin) [rice, vegetables etc] quemarse4.CPDcatch phrase N — muletilla f, frase f de moda
catch question N — pregunta f capciosa, pregunta f de pega
- catch at- catch on- catch up* * *
1. [kætʃ](past & past p caught) transitive verb1) \<\<ball/object\>\> agarrar, coger* (esp Esp)he caught her by the arm — la agarró or (esp Esp) cogió del brazo
2) ( capture) \<\<mouse/lion\>\> atrapar, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<fish\>\> pescar*, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<thief\>\> atrapar3)a) ( take by surprise) agarrar, pillar (fam), pescar* (fam)to catch somebody in the act — agarrar (or pillar etc) a alguien infraganti or con las manos en la masa
you won't catch me going there again! — (colloq) a mí no me vuelven a ver el pelo por ahí! (fam)
we got caught in the rain — nos sorprendió or (fam) nos pilló or pescó la lluvia
b) ( intercept) \<\<person\>\> alcanzar*catch you later — (AmE colloq) nos vemos
4)a) \<\<train/plane\>\> ( take) tomar, coger* (esp Esp); ( be in time for) alcanzar*I only just caught it — lo alcancé con el tiempo justo, por poco lo pierdo
b) (manage to see, hear)we could catch a movie before dinner — (AmE) podríamos ir al cine antes de cenar
5) (entangle, trap)I caught my skirt on a nail — se me enganchó or (Méx tb) se me atoró or (Chi) se me pescó la falda en un clavo
I caught my finger in the drawer — me pillé or (AmL tb) me agarré el dedo en el cajón
I got caught in a traffic jam — me agarró or (esp Esp) me cogió un atasco
6)a) ( attract)did you catch what she said? — ¿oíste or entendiste lo que dijo?
c) \<\<mood/likeness\>\> captar, reflejar7) ( become infected with) \<\<disease\>\> contagiarse deto catch a cold — resfriarse*, agarrar or (esp Esp) coger* or (fam) pescar* or pillar un resfriado
I caught (the) measles from him — me contagió or (fam) me pegó el sarampión
8) ( hit)to catch it o (AmE also) catch hell (colloq): you'll really catch it if he sees you! — si te ve, te mata!
9)a) ( hold back)b) ( restrain)to catch oneself — contenerse*
vi1)a) ( grasp) agarrar, coger* (esp Esp), cachar (Méx)b) (bite, take hold) \<\<mechanism\>\> engranarc) ( become hooked) engancharse2) ( ignite) \<\<fire\>\> prender, agarrar (AmL)•Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up
1)a) ( Sport) atrapada f, parada f, atajada f (CS)b) ( potential partner)he's/she's a good catch — (colloq) es un buen partido
c) ( of fish) pesca f2) ( fastening device - on door) pestillo m, pasador m (AmL); (- on window, box, necklace) cierre msafety catch — seguro m
3) ( hidden drawback) trampa fI knew there'd be a catch in o to it somewhere — ya sabía yo que tenía que haber gato encerrado
4) ( in voice) temblor mwith a catch in her voice — con la voz entrecortada or temblorosa
12 catch
1. I1) the lock (the bolt, etc.) -es замок и т. д. защелкивается; the lock won't catch замок никак не запирается2) the pond (the lake, the river, the brook, etc.) -es пруд и т. д. затягивается /покрывается/ льдом3) this match will not catch эта спичка не загорится2. II1) catch in same manner the bolt doesn't catch properly задвижка плохо держит2) catch somewhere the lock -es somewhere замок где-то заедает3) catch in some manner straw (paper, dry wood, etc.) -es easily солома и т. д. легко загорается /воспламеняется/3. III1) catch with. catch a ball (a cigarette, a mouse, a fly, an animal, fish, a bird, etc.) ловить /поймать/ мяч и т. д.; here catch this! вот, ловите!; catch the post успеть опустить /отправить/ письмо до выемки корреспонденции; catch smb. you'll catch him if you hurry если вы поторопитесь, вы нагоните его; I caught him just as he was going out я застал / поймал/ его, когда он уже выходил2) catch smth. catch the горе (smb.'s coat, smb.'s arm, etc.) ухватиться за веревку и т. д.; catch an opportunity воспользоваться случаем, ухватиться за представившуюся возможность3) catch smth. catch the bus (the5)15 plane, the last tram, etc.) успеть на /не пропустить/ автобус и т. д; catch the train успеть / не опоздать/ на поезд; catch a strange sound (a rustle, a heavy thud, a distant barking, a faint whistle, etc.) услышать /уловить/ странный звук и т. д.; а heavy thud (a faint whistle, etc.) caught his ear до него /до его слуха/ донесся тяжелый стук и т. д.', catch the smell (a faint odour, the aroma, etc.) of smoke (of burning leaves, of coffee, etc.) почувствовать /уловить/ запах дыма и т. д., catch wind of scandal (of trouble, etc.) почуять скандал и т. д.; catch smb.'s eye /the eye, smb.'s attention/ привлекать внимание, бросаться в глаза; the book in the window caught my eye [эта] книга в витрине привлекла мое внимание; catch a likeness схватить /уловить, подметить, увидеть/ сходство; catch an idea (the drift of an argument, etc.) понимать /улавливать/ мысль и т. д; do you catch my meaning? вы понимаете, что я хочу сказать?, вы меня понимаете?; catch smb.'s fancy поразить чье-л. воображение, понравиться кому-л.4) catch smth. catch a disease (the flu, measles, etc.) заразиться болезнью и т. д., подхватить болезнь и т. д; catch (а) cold /а chill/ простудиться, схватить простуду; catch one's death of a cold ужасно простудиться; catch enthusiasm заразиться [общим] энтузиазмом, поддаться [общему] воодушевлению; catch fire загореться, воспламениться; catch an accent перенять акцент /выговор/; catch a habit приобрести привычку5) catch smth. catch his name (smb.'s answer, smb.'s parting remark, etc.) расслышать /разобрать/ его имя и т. д.6) catch smb. catch a criminal (a thief, a spy, the fugitive, etc.) поймать /схватить, задержать/ преступника и т. д.4. IVcatch smth. somehow1) catch his arm (the rope, the edge of the boat, etc.) instinctively (convulsively, impulsively, passionately, etc.) инстинктивно и т. д. схватиться /ухватиться/ за его руку и т. д.2) || catch smb. off [his] guard застать кого-л. врасплох5. Vcatch smb. smth. coll. catch smb. a blow on the nose (a smack on the mouth, a slap on the cheek, etc.) стукнуть кого-л. по носу, дать /"заехать", "съездить"/ кому-л. по носу; catch smb. one in the eye подставить кому-л. фонарь под глазом6. VIIIcatch smb. doing smth. catch her eavesdropping (her smiling, the boy stealing flowers from the garden, the old woman hiding smth., etc.) застать /поймать/ ее на том, что она подслушивает и т. д.; catch oneself thinking about smth. ловить себя на какой-л. мысли || catch smb. napping заставать кого-л. врасплох7. XIbe (get) caught in smth. a rat (a fox, an hare, etc.) was (got) caught in a trap (in a snare) крыса и т. д. попалась в крысоловку и т. д; we were caught in the rain (in a shower, etc.) мы попали под дождь и т. д; we were caught in the snowstorm нас застигла метель; the boat was caught in the reeds лодка застряла в камышах; he was caught in the turmoil он был вовлечен в водоворот событий; he was caught in a lie ой был уличен во лжи; be caught by smth. he was caught by the camera он попал в объектов фотоаппарата; be (get) caught under smth. he got (was) caught under a truck (under a train, under a car, etc.) он попал под грузовик и т. д. || be (get) caught between two fires оказаться меж двух огней; be caught doing smth. the boy was caught cheating мальчишку уличили в мошенничестве; be caught in some state he was caught red-handed его застали с поличным8. XVI1) catch at smth. catch at the rope (at the rail, at the boat, at the opportunity, at the idea, at a hope, etc.) ухватиться за канат и т. д. id catch at a straw хвататься за соломинку2) catch in smth. catch in the wheel (in the chain of a bicycle, in the machinery, in the snare, etc.) попасть в колесо и т. д.',catch in the ropes (in the grass, in a bog, etc.) застрять /запутаться/ в канатах и т. д.; my finger caught in the door я защемил палец в дверях, мне, прищемило палец дверью; the dog's paw caught in the trap собака попала лапой в капкан; catch on smth. catch on a nail (on a thorn, etc.) зацепиться за гвоздь и т. д. catch on a root (on a stone, etc.) споткнуться о /зацепиться за/ корень и т. д.9. XXI11) catch smb. by smth. catch smb. by the arm (by the collar, by the sleeve, by the button, by the scruff of the neck, etc.) поймать /схватить/ кого-л. за (руку и т. д., catch smb. by a trick поймать /схватить, задержать/ кого-л. с помощью хитрости; catch smb. in smth. catch bird in a net (a fox in a snare, etc.) поймать птичку в сети и т. д., catch hold of smth. ухватиться за что-л.; catch hold of the rope (of smb.'s arm, of the man, etc.) схватить веревку и т. д; catch sight of smb., smth. заметить кого-л., что-л.; catch sight of a ship заметить /увидеть/ корабль; catch smb.'s eye поймать / перехватить/ чей-л. взгляд2) catch smth. in smth. catch one's frock in the door, one's coat in the window, etc.) прищемить /защемить/ платье дверью и т.д., catch one's fingers in the machine (one's foot in a trap, etc.) попасть пальцами в машину и т. д catch smth. on smth. catch one's frock on a nail (one's sleeve on a thorn, etc.) зацепиться платьем за гвоздь и т. д.3) catch smth. from smb. catch a cold (measles, scarlet fever, etc.) from them заразиться от них насморком и т. д.; catch a habit from him перенять у него привычку4) catch smb. at /in/ smth. catch smb. at it (in a lie, in the act, in the act of stealing, etc.) застать /поймать/ кого-л. на этом /с поличным/ и т. д.5) catch smb. in (on) smth. сoll. catch smb. on the head (on the cheek, in the chest, etc.) стукнуть кого-л. по голове и т. д., дать /"съездить"/ кому-л. по голове и т. д.6) catch smb., smth. (in)to smth. catch the child (the girl, the doll, etc.) to one's breast прижать ребенка и т. д. к груди; catch the baby (the little boy, etc.) in one's arms подхватить /обнять/ ребенка и т. д.10. XXVcatch what... catch what smb. says расслышать /разобрать/ [то], что кто-л. говорит -
13 catch
1. [kætʃ] n1. поимка; захватher catch was quick enough to keep the plate from hitting the floor - она успела быстро схватить падающую на пол тарелку
2. улов; добыча3. разг. хитрость, ловушка; подвохthere must be a catch somewhere - здесь что-то не так; здесь есть какой-то подвох
what's the catch in his offer? - что скрывается за его предложением?
4. выгодное приобретениеno catch, not much of a catch - незавидное приобретение; грош цена; не бог весть какое сокровище
5. 1) задвижка, засов; шпингалет2) тех. захватывающее, запирающее приспособление3) тех. стяжной болт4) тех. тормоз; стопор; арретир7. отрывки, обрывки, кусочкиcatches of old tunes - обрывки старых мелодий /напевов/
8. игра в мяч (детская и т. п.); перебрасывание мяча9. поимка мяча (до того, как он коснулся грунта - крикет)10. спорт. кетч (борьба, допускающая запрещённые приёмы)11. с.-х. самосев хлебных злаков12. муз. ист. качча (жанр светских вокальных пьес XIV - XVI вв.)2. [kætʃ] v (caught)I1. 1) поймать, схватить; ловить (мяч, рыбу, беглеца и т. п.)2) поймать, застигнуть (тж. catch out); застать, захватитьto catch smb. red-handed /in the act/ - застать кого-л. на месте преступления
to catch smb. napping /off guard/ - застать кого-л. врасплох
to catch in a word - а) поймать на слове; б) библ. уловить в слове
I caught him at it - я его поймал на этом /захватил с поличным/
3) схватить, задержать2. (at)1) ухватиться, схватить2) прицепляться, придираться к3. 1) уловить, пойматьto catch a likeness - схватить /уловить (и передать)/ сходство ( в портрете)
to catch (at) an opportunity - воспользоваться случаем, ухватиться за представившуюся возможность
2) разг. уловить смысл, понять (тж. catch on)I don't catch your meaning - не понимаю, что вы хотите сказать
he's not very quick at catching on, is he? - ведь он тугодум /до него не скоро доходит/
4. 1) зацепить; задеть; защемить2) зацепиться (тж. catch up)5. поддеть; провести; поймать в ловушкуyou've caught me this time! - ну и поддели вы меня!
6. попасть, ударитьI caught him one in the eye - прост. я поставил ему синяк под глазом
II А1. заболеть, заразиться; схватить (болезнь и т. п.)to catch a chill /(a) cold/ - простудиться
2. захватывать; перехватывать (сообщения и т. п.)3. успеть, поспеть (на поезд, самолёт и т. п.)I wonder whether I can catch the post - не опоздаю ли я к почте?
4. схватить, уловить (слова, звуки)didn't quite catch what you said - я не расслышал, что вы сказали
5. увидеть ( мельком)to catch sight /a glimpse, a glance/ of smth. - увидеть что-л. (на мгновение)
I caught sight /a glimpse/ of her in the crowd - я видел, как она мелькнула в толпе
6. привлечь (внимание и т. п.); поразить ( воображение); увлечь7. запираться (о замке, засове)the lock won't catch - замок не запирается /неисправен/
8. прерывать ( оратора); сбивать ( выступающего) вопросами и выкриками♢
I caught it - мне досталось /попало/
you will catch it! - ≅ будет тебе на орехи!
to catch the trick (of doing smth.) - наловчиться (делать что-л.); приноровиться (к чему-л.); схватить (как что-л. делается)
to catch a crab - спорт. жарг. «поймать леща»
catch me doing that! - чтоб я это сделал? Никогда!
catch me ever telling him anything again! - чёрта с два я ему теперь что-нибудь расскажу!
to catch the Speaker's eye - парл. получить слово в палате общин
to catch fire - а) загореться, воспламениться; б) воспылать; вспыхнуть; зажечься (энтузиазмом и т. п.)
to catch hold of smth. - ухватиться за что-л.
to catch one's breath - а) затаить дыхание; б) перевести дух, отдышаться
catch as catch can - лови, хватай (счастье и т. п.)
on a catch-as-catch-can basis - спец. без определённой очерёдности
you don't catch old birds with chaff - посл. ≅ старого воробья на мякине не проведёшь
a drowning man will catch at a straw - посл. утопающий за соломинку хватается
14 catch
kæ 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) fange (inn), gripe2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) nå, rekke3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) ta på fersken, gripe noen i, overraske4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) få, bli smittet5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) henge/klemme fast i6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) slå, lande/falle på, treffe7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) fange opp, få fatt i, høre8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) ta fyr, antenne2. noun1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) fangst; det å gripe i flukten2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) lås, klinke, smekklås3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) fangst4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) hake (ved), (det stikker) noe under; aber•- catching- catchy
- catch-phrase
- catch-word
- catch someone's eye
- catch on
- catch out
- catch upfange--------fangst--------gripeIsubst. \/kætʃ\/1) det å gripe noe, det å fange noe2) fangst3) varp, bytte, godt parti, fordel, kupp, gevinst4) felle, knep5) brist, skjelving, gisp6) ( låseanordning) sperre, sperrhake, klinke, lås, smekklås, haspe, krok7) ( overført) aber, hake8) ( musikk) kanoncatch question lurespørsmålmiss a catch ikke ta imot et kastplay catch kaste ball, spille ballthere is a catch in it somewhere det er en hake ved det, det er noe lureri herII1) fange, gripe, ta, fange inn, fange opp, få tak i, gripe tak i, ta tak i2) rekke, nå, komme tidsnok, ta3) overraske, ta, fange, gripe4) treffe, råke, ramme5) få, pådra seg, smittes av, treffes av, bli6) fange inn, oppfatte, fatte, forstå, få tak i, treffe7) fange, fengsle, hindre8) sitte fast med, sitte fast i, henge fast (i), sette seg fast (i)9) (amer.) se, gå på10) få (seg), ta (seg)11) ordne, fikse, sette på plass12) gripe fatt, få tak, ta (om lås)13) ta fyr, antenne, fattebe caught in the rain bli overrasket av regnetbe caught short ( britisk) bli overrumpletcatch at gripe ettercatch hold of ta tak i, få fatt i, få tak icatch it ( hverdagslig) få huden full, få kjeftcatch me (at it)! ikke jeg, nei!, aldri i livet!catch on ( hverdagslig) slå an, gjøre lykke, bli populær, gjøre suksessskjønne tegningen, være med (på notene), forstå noecatch one's breath gispe, snappe etter luft hive etter pusten, få igjen pustencatch oneself doing something ta seg selv i å gjøre noecatch sight of få øye på, se, få et glimt avcatch somebody at it overraske noen, ta noen på fersk gjerning, ferske (slang)catch somebody in the act ta noen på fersk gjerningcatch somebody out avsløre noen, ta noen i en feilcatch somebody unprepared overraske noencatch someone's eye bli lagt merke til av noen få noens oppmerksomhet med øyekontaktcatch the speaker's eye få ordet, fange ordstyrerens oppmerksomhetcatch the sun være i solen, være på et solfylt sted ( britisk) bli brun, bli solbrentcatch up nå igjen, ta igjenrive til seg, snappe opp legge seg til, lære seg avbryte slå ned på ta igjen det forsømtecatch up on ta igjen, komme à jour medta, sette fastcatch up with komme à jour med noe(n), snakke med noen man ikke har snakket med på lenge (og bli oppdatert på vedkommendes gjøren og laden) begynne å få en skadelig virkning påcatch you later! ser deg senere!caught up in innblandet i fanget av, oppslukt av, grepet av, bundet avget caught sitte fast, klemme, henge fast i, henge seg opp iyou'll catch it from me du kommer til å bli smittet av meg ellers får du med meg å gjøreyou wouldn't catch me doing that! aldri i livet om jeg gjør det!, sånt driver jeg ikke med! -
15 catch
1)window \catch Fensterverriegelung f;all the window \catches were tightly closed alle Fenster waren fest verschlossenshe made quite a \catch sie hat einen guten Fang gemachtwhat's the \catch? wo ist der Haken [an der Sache]? vt <caught, caught>1) ( hold moving object)to \catch sth etw fangen;( take hold) etw ergreifen;( with difficulty) etw zu fassen bekommen;to \catch hold of sth etw zu fassen bekommen2) ( capture)the virus was caught in time der Virus wurde rechtzeitig erkannt;to \catch sb jdn ergreifen;( arrest) jdn festnehmen; sports (in baseball, cricket) jdn durch Abfangen des Balls ausscheiden lassen3) ( become entangled)to \catch sth an etw akk stoßen;to be caught between two things zwischen zwei Dingen hin- und hergerissen sein;to get caught up sich akk verfangen;( become involved) in etw akk verwickelt werden;to be caught in the crossfire ins Kreuzfeuer geraten; ( fig) zwischen zwei Lager geraten;to get caught on sth an etw dat hängen bleiben4) ( collect)to \catch sth etw sammeln;( liquid) etw auffangen5) (capture expression, atmosphere)to \catch sth mood, atmosphere etw festhalten [o einfangen];6) ( attract)to \catch sb's fancy jdm gefallen7) ( get)to \catch sth etw bekommen;the necklace caught the light die Kette reflektierte das Licht;to \catch the bus/ the train ( be on time) den Bus/Zug kriegen ( fam) ( travel on) den Bus/Zug nehmen;to \catch the sun einen [leichten] Sonnenbrand bekommen8) ( notice)to \catch sth etw [kurz] sehen;( by chance) etw [zufällig] sehen;9) ( take by surprise)to \catch sb doing sth jdn bei etw dat überraschen; sth forbidden jdn bei etw dat ertappen [o ( fam) erwischen];my son was caught in a thunderstorm mein Sohn wurde von einem Gewitter überrascht;you won't \catch her at work after four o'clock nach vier wirst du sie kaum noch bei der Arbeit antreffen;you caught me at a bad time Sie haben einen schlechten Zeitpunkt erwischt;have I caught you at a bad time? komme ich ungelegen?;you won't \catch me in that shop in dem Laden wirst du mich niemals finden;you won't \catch me falling for that trick auf den Trick falle ich im Leben nicht herein;I even caught myself feeling sorry for the thief zuletzt tat mir der Dieb auch noch leid;caught in the act! auf frischer Tat ertappt!;ah, caught you! ah, hab ich dich erwischt!;to \catch sb red-handed jdn auf frischer Tat ertappen;10) (hear, see)to \catch sb jdn treffen;I'll \catch you later ich seh dich späterto \catch sth sich dat etw einfangen;to \catch a cold sich akk erkälten;to \catch one's death [of cold] sich dat den Tod holento \catch sth auf etw dat aufschlagen;his head caught the edge of the table as he fell beim Fallen schlug er mit dem Kopf auf die Tischkante auf;13) ( start burning)to \catch fire Feuer fangenPHRASES:to \catch one's breath nach Luft schnappen;( stop breathing) die Luft anhalten;( return to normal breathing) verschnaufen;to \catch a crab einen Krebs fangen (mit dem Ruder im Wasser stecken bleiben);Joe really caught it from Sam Sam hat's Joe mal so richtig gegeben; -
16 post
I 1. noun1) (as support) Pfosten, der2) (stake) Pfahl, derdeaf as a post — (coll.) stocktaub (ugs.); see also academic.ru/55524/pillar">pillar 1)
2. transitive verbbe left at the post — [hoffnungslos] abgehängt werden (ugs.); weit zurückbleiben
1) (stick up) anschlagen, ankleben [Plakat, Aufruf, Notiz, Zettel]2) (make known) [öffentlich] anschlagen od. bekannt gebenpost [as] missing — als vermisst melden
Phrasal Verbs:- post upII 1. nounthe post has come — die Post ist da od. ist schon gekommen
in the post — in der Post (see also c)
2. transitive verbtake something to the post — etwas zur Post bringen/(to postbox) etwas einwerfen od. in den Briefkasten werfen
1) (dispatch) abschicken2) (fig. coll.)III 1. nounkeep somebody posted [about or on something] — jemanden [über etwas (Akk.)] auf dem laufenden halten
a teaching post — eine Stelle als Lehrer od. Lehrerstelle
take up one's post — (fig.) seinen Platz einnehmen
2. transitive verblast/first post — (Brit. Mil.) letzter/erster Zapfenstreich
1) (place) postieren; aufstellen2) (appoint) einsetzenbe posted to an embassy — an eine Botschaft versetzt werden
* * *I [pəust] noun(a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.) der Pfosten- be first past the post- keep somebody posted
- keep posted II 1. [pəust] noun((the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc: I sent the book by post; Has the post arrived yet?; Is there any post for me?) die Post2. verb- postage- postal
- postage stamp
- postal order
- postbox
- postcard
- postcode
- post-free
- post-haste
- posthaste
- postman
- postmark
- postmaster
- post office III 1. [pəust] noun1) (a job: He has a post in the government; a teaching post.) der Posten2) (a place of duty: The soldier remained at his post.) der Posten3) (a settlement, camp etc especially in a distant or unpopulated area: a trading-post.) die Niederlassung2. verb(to send somewhere on duty: He was posted abroad.) versetzenIV [pəust]- the first/last post* * *[pəʊst, AM poʊst]I. nconcrete/iron/wooden \post Beton-/Eisen-/Holzpfosten m2. (in horse race)to hit the \post den Pfosten treffenthe ball hit the \post der Ball prallte gegen den Pfostenby \post mit der Postis there any \post for me? habe ich Post bekommen?II. vt1. (send)▪ to \post sth etw [per Post] schicken2. (put into letterbox)to \post a letter einen Brief einwerfen3. (give notice)▪ to \post sth etw [durch Aushang] bekanntgebento \post sth on the [Inter]net etw über das Internet bekanntgebento \post sth on the noticeboard etw am Schwarzen Brett aushängento be \posted missing MIL als vermisst gemeldet sein4. FINto \post an entry einen Posten buchento \post losses Verluste buchen [o ausweisen]* * *I [pəʊst]1. n(= pole, doorpost etc) Pfosten m; (= lamp post) Pfahl m; (= telegraph post) Mast ma wooden post — ein Holzpfosten or -pfahl m
starting/winning or finishing post — Start-/Zielpfosten m
See:→ deaf2. vt1) (= display also post up) anschlagenII"post no bills" — "Plakate ankleben verboten"
1. nto look for/take up a post — eine Stelle suchen/antreten
2) (ESP MIL: place of duty) Posten mto die at one's post — im Dienst sterben
3) (MIL: camp, station) Posten ma chain of posts along the border post exchange ( abbr PX ) (US) — eine Postenkette entlang der Grenze von der Regierung betriebener Vorzugsladen für Truppenangehörige
to leave the post —
4) (Brit MIL= bugle call)
first post — Wecksignal nt5) (= trading post) Handelsniederlassung f2. vt1) (= position) postieren; sentry, guard postieren, aufstellen2) (= send, assign) versetzen; (MIL) abkommandierento be posted to a battalion/an embassy/a ship — zu einem Bataillon/an eine Botschaft/auf ein Schiff versetzt or (Mil) abkommandiert werden
IIIhe has been posted away — er ist versetzt or (Mil) abkommandiert worden
1. n1) (Brit: mail) Post® fit's in the post — es ist unterwegs or in der Post
to catch the post (letter) — noch mit der Post mitkommen; (person) rechtzeitig zur Leerung kommen
to miss the post (letter) — nicht mehr mit der Post mitkommen; (person) die Leerung verpassen
has the post been? — war die Post® schon da?
2. vt1) (Brit: put in the post) aufgeben; (in letterbox) einwerfen, einstecken; (= send by post) mit der Post® schicken; (COMPUT) abschickenI posted it to you on Monday — ich habe es am Montag an Sie abgeschickt
2)(= inform)
to keep sb posted — jdn auf dem Laufenden haltenall transactions must be posted (up) weekly — alle Geschäftsvorgänge müssen wöchentlich verbucht werden
3. vi(old: travel by post) mit der Post(kutsche) reisen* * *post1 [pəʊst]A s1. Pfahl m, (auch Tür-, Tor)Pfosten m, Ständer m, (Telegrafen- etc) Stange f, (-)Mast m:near post FUSSB kurzer Pfosten;2. Anschlagsäule fbe beaten at the post kurz vor dem oder im Ziel abgefangen werden4. Bergbau:a) Streckenpfeiler mB v/t4. öffentlich anprangern5. FLUG, SCHIFF ein Flugzeug etc (als vermisst oder überfällig) melden:post a plane as missing (as overdue)6. US (durch Verbotstafeln) vor unbefugtem Zutritt schützen:posted property Besitz, zu dem der Zutritt verboten ist7. post a time of … SPORT eine Zeit von … erzielenpost2 [pəʊst]A s1. MILa) Posten m, Standort m, Stellung f:advanced post vorgeschobener Postenb) Standort m, Garnison f:post exchange US Laden für Truppenangehörige;c) Standort-, Stationierungstruppe fd) (Wach)Posten m2. MIL Br (Horn)Signal n:first post Wecken n;last post Zapfenstreich m3. Posten m, Platz m, Stand(platz) m:4. Posten m, (An)Stellung f, Stelle f, Amt n:post of a secretary Stelle als Sekretär(in)5. Handelsniederlassung f6. WIRTSCH Makler-, Börsenstand mB v/t1. einen Polizisten etc aufstellen, postierento nach):he has been posted away er ist abkommandiert wordenpost3 [pəʊst]A s1. besonders Br Post® f:b) Postamt nc) Post-, Briefkasten m:2. besonders Br Post f:a) Postzustellung fb) Postsendungen pl, -sachen plc) Nachricht f:today’s post die heutige Post3. HISTa) Postkutsche fb) Poststation fc) Eilbote m, Kurier m4. besonders Br Briefpapier n (Format 16" x 20")B v/i1. HIST mit der Post(kutsche) reisen2. obs (dahin)eilenC v/t1. besonders Br zur Post geben, aufgeben, in den Briefkasten werfen oder stecken, mit der Post (zu)sendenkeep sb posted jemanden auf dem Laufenden halten;well posted gut unterrichtetp. abk1. page S.2. part T.4. past5. Br penny, pence6. per7. post, after8. power* * *I 1. noun1) (as support) Pfosten, der2) (stake) Pfahl, derdeaf as a post — (coll.) stocktaub (ugs.); see also pillar 1)
be left at the post — [hoffnungslos] abgehängt werden (ugs.); weit zurückbleiben
2. transitive verbthe ‘first past the post’ system — das Mehrheitswahlsystem; see also pip V
1) (stick up) anschlagen, ankleben [Plakat, Aufruf, Notiz, Zettel]2) (make known) [öffentlich] anschlagen od. bekannt gebenpost [as] missing — als vermisst melden
Phrasal Verbs:- post upII 1. nounthe post has come — die Post ist da od. ist schon gekommen
by post — mit der Post; per Post
2. transitive verbtake something to the post — etwas zur Post bringen/ (to postbox) etwas einwerfen od. in den Briefkasten werfen
1) (dispatch) abschicken2) (fig. coll.)III 1. nounkeep somebody posted [about or on something] — jemanden [über etwas (Akk.)] auf dem laufenden halten
a teaching post — eine Stelle als Lehrer od. Lehrerstelle
take up one's post — (fig.) seinen Platz einnehmen
2. transitive verblast/first post — (Brit. Mil.) letzter/erster Zapfenstreich
1) (place) postieren; aufstellen2) (appoint) einsetzen* * *n.Amt ¨-er n.Pfosten - m.Post nur sing. f.Posten - m.Standpunkt m.Stelle -n f.auf die Post geben ausdr.aufstellen v. -
17 post
I pəust noun(a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.) stolpe, målstrek- keep somebody posted
- keep posted II 1. pəust noun((the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc: I sent the book by post; Has the post arrived yet?; Is there any post for me?) post2. verb(to send (a letter etc) by post: He posted the parcel yesterday.) sende i posten, poste- postage- postal
- postage stamp
- postal order
- postbox
- postcard
- postcode
- post-free
- post-haste
- posthaste
- postman
- postmark
- postmaster
- post office III 1. pəust noun1) (a job: He has a post in the government; a teaching post.) jobb, stilling2) (a place of duty: The soldier remained at his post.) (vakt)post, stasjon3) (a settlement, camp etc especially in a distant or unpopulated area: a trading-post.) utpost, leir2. verb(to send somewhere on duty: He was posted abroad.) stasjonere, utkommandere til tjenesteIV pəustpost--------poste--------postere--------påle--------staur--------stillingIsubst. \/pəʊst\/1) (på dør, vindu e.l.) stolpe, søyle, støtte, påle, post2) ( sport) mål(stolpe), (mål)stang3) ( tømrerfag) stender4) ( gruvedrift) gruvetømmer, støtte5) ( arkitektur) (tak)sperrefirst past the post ( britisk politikk) vinneren tar altIIsubst. \/pəʊst\/1) stilling, embete, post2) ( militærvesen) post3) ( militærvesen) stilling besatt av tropp, strategisk stilling4) ( militærvesen) garnison, fort, (militær)stasjon5) ( militærvesen) hornsignal6) handelsstasjon, handelssted7) (militærvesen, historisk) kommando (over skip med mer enn 20 kanoner)at one's post ( militærvesen eller overført) på sin postfirst post ( militærvesen) reveljelast post ( militærvesen) rosignalpost of honour æresstillingtake post ( militærvesen) innta stillingIIIsubst. \/pəʊst\/1) (spesielt britisk, brev e.l.) post2) postomdeling, postombæring• how many posts are there per day?3) ( gammeldags) postvogn, postskyss, postbåt, kurer, postbud4) postverk, postvesen, postkontor, postekspedisjon5) forklaring: et papirformat (16 x 20 inches)catch the post rekke å poste noe før postkassen tømmesreceive something through the post få noe i postenreply by return of post svare omgåendesend something by\/per post sende noe i posten, sende noe per posttake something to the post poste noe, gå på postkontoret med noeIVverb \/pəʊst\/1) klistre opp, slå opp, henge opp, sette opp2) sette opp plakater på, dekke med oppslag3) ( gjennom plakater) offentliggjøre, tilkjennegi4) (sjøfart, om skip) melde savnet, melde forsinket5) ( EDB) forklaring: gjøre tilgjengelig på Internett6) (amer., poengsum i spill e.l.) oppnåposted missing (sjøfart, om fartøy) meldt savnetpost no bills! plakatklistring forbudt!post up kunngjøre, bekjentgjøre (ved oppslag)( om oppslag) henge opp, sette opp ( basketball) spille nær kurvenVverb \/pəʊst\/1) ( spesielt militærvesen) postere, plassere, utkommandere, stasjonere2) (marine, historisk) utnevne til skipssjefpost to ( spesielt militærvesen) postere til, utkommandere til, overføre tilVIverb \/pəʊst\/1) poste, postlegge, sende (per post)2) ( overført) informere, underrette3) ( handel) bokføre, postere4) ( historisk) reise med posthester, reise med postskyss5) ( gammeldags) ile, haste, skynde segkeep someone posted holde noen informert, holde noen underrettetpost up ( om regnskapsbok) ajourføre, avslutte, sluttføreVIIadv. \/pəʊst\/ekspress, med hast -
18 catch
catch [kætʃ]attraper ⇒ 1 (a)-(d) se prendre ⇒ 1 (e), 2 (c) saisir ⇒ 1 (f), 1 (h) remarquer ⇒ 1 (j) prise ⇒ 3 (a), 3 (b) piège ⇒ 3 (c) loquet ⇒ 3 (d)(pt & pp caught [kɔ:t])(a) (ball, thrown object) attraper;∎ to catch hold of sth attraper qch;∎ the dog caught the ball in its mouth le chien a attrapé la balle dans sa gueule;∎ catch! attrape!;∎ to catch sb's arm (take hold of) saisir ou prendre qn par le bras;∎ I caught him as he fell je l'ai retenu ou attrapé au moment où il tombait(b) (trap → fish, mouse, thief) attraper, prendre;∎ he got caught by the police il s'est fait attraper par la police;∎ to get caught in a traffic jam être pris dans un embouteillage;∎ we got caught in a shower/thunderstorm nous avons été surpris par une averse/un orage;∎ to catch sb doing sth surprendre qn à faire qch;∎ to catch oneself doing sth se surprendre à faire qch;∎ I caught myself thinking about him je me suis surpris à repenser à lui;∎ they were caught trying to escape on les a surpris en train d'essayer de s'évader;∎ don't get caught! ne te fais pas prendre!;∎ if I catch you talking once more I'll throw you out! si je te prends ou surprends encore une fois en train de parler, je te mets à la porte!;∎ you won't catch me doing the washing-up! aucun danger de me surprendre en train de faire la vaisselle!;∎ don't let me catch you at it again! que je ne t'y reprenne pas!;∎ to catch sb napping prendre qn au dépourvu;∎ to catch sb in the act or red-handed prendre qn sur le fait ou la main dans le sac∎ to catch a cold attraper un rhume; figurative (company) perdre de l'argent lors d'une transaction;∎ to catch cold attraper ou prendre froid;∎ I caught this cold from you c'est toi qui m'as passé ce rhume;∎ familiar he'll catch his death (of cold)! il va attraper la crève!∎ I have a train to catch at 6 o'clock j'ai un train à prendre à 6 heures;∎ British to catch the last post arriver à temps pour la dernière levée (du courrier);∎ try and catch the postman before you leave essayez d'attraper le facteur avant de partir;∎ you're unlikely to catch her at home je ne pense pas que tu la trouveras chez elle;∎ you caught me just as I was going into a meeting tu m'as parlé au moment où j'allais en réunion;∎ we caught him in a good mood il était de bonne humeur quand nous l'avons vu;∎ I just caught the end of the film j'ai juste vu la fin du film;∎ familiar catch you later! à plus tard!(e) (on nail, obstacle)∎ he caught his finger in the door il s'est pris le doigt dans la porte;∎ she caught her skirt in the door sa jupe s'est prise dans la porte;∎ he caught his coat on the brambles son manteau s'est accroché aux ronces(f) (hear clearly, understand) saisir, comprendre;∎ I didn't quite catch what you said je n'ai pas bien entendu ce que vous avez dit;∎ I don't catch your meaning je ne vois pas ce que vous voulez dire∎ to catch sb's attention or sb's eye attirer l'attention de qn;∎ the idea caught her imagination l'idée l'a inspirée;∎ their story caught the imagination of the public leur histoire a passionné le public;∎ British the house caught his fancy la maison lui a plu;∎ this coat catches fluff la poussière se voit sur ce manteau(h) (in portrait, writing → likeness, mood) saisir;∎ the author has caught the mood of the time l'auteur a su rendre l'atmosphère de l'époque∎ to catch sb a blow donner ou flanquer un coup à qn;∎ the punch caught me in the chest j'ai reçu le coup de poing en plein dans la poitrine;∎ the wave caught her sideways la vague l'a frappée de côté;∎ he fell and caught his head on the radiator il est tombé et s'est cogné la tête contre le radiateur∎ did you catch the look on his face? vous avez remarqué l'expression de son visage?;∎ I caught a hint of bitterness (in what she said) j'ai senti un peu d'amertume dans ses paroles∎ to catch one's breath reprendre son souffle;∎ he had to sit down to catch his breath il a dû s'asseoir pour reprendre son souffle;∎ to catch the light refléter la lumière;∎ to catch the sun (person) prendre des couleurs;∎ the garden catches the sun in the afternoon le jardin est ensoleillé l'après-midi∎ her skirt caught on a nail sa jupe s'est accrochée à un clou;∎ his coat caught in the door son manteau s'est pris dans la porte3 noun∎ good catch! bien rattrapé!∎ a fine catch une belle prise;∎ there must be a catch in it somewhere il doit y avoir un truc ou un piège quelque part, ça cache quelque chose;∎ where's or what's the catch? qu'est-ce que ça cache?, où est le piège?∎ with a catch in his voice d'une voix entrecoupée∎ to play catch jouer à la balle►► Agriculture catch crop culture f dérobée;catch question question-piège f, colle f(essayer d') attraper(a) (fashion, trend, slogan) devenir populaire, prendre;∎ this dance style caught on in the fifties cette danse a fait un tabac ou était très populaire dans les années cinquante;∎ the game never caught on in Europe ce jeu n'a jamais pris en Europe ou eu de succès en Europe∎ I didn't quite catch on to what he was trying to say je n'ai pas bien saisi ce qu'il essayait de dire;∎ did you catch on? est-ce que tu as pigé?∎ he tried to catch me out with a trick question il a essayé de me coller ou prendre en défaut avec une question-piège;∎ to catch sb out in a lie prendre ou surprendre qn à mentir;∎ I won't be caught out like that again! on ne m'y prendra plus!➲ catch up∎ to catch up with sb rattraper qn;∎ I had to run to catch up with him or to catch him up j'ai dû courir pour le rattraper ou le rejoindre;∎ the police caught up with him in Zurich la police l'a rattrapé à Zurich;∎ figurative his past will catch up with him one day il finira par être rattrapé par son passé(b) (on lost time) combler ou rattraper son retard; (on studies) rattraper son retard, se remettre au niveau;∎ to catch up on or with one's work rattraper le retard qu'on a pris dans son travail;∎ he'll have to work hard to catch up with the rest of the class il va falloir qu'il travaille beaucoup pour rattraper le reste de la classe;∎ I need to catch up on some sleep j'ai du sommeil à rattraper;∎ we had a lot of news to catch up on nous avions beaucoup de choses à nous dire∎ the material got caught up in the machinery le tissu s'est pris dans la machine;∎ they were caught up in a traffic jam for hours ils ont été bloqués dans un embouteillage pendant des heures(b) (absorb, involve)∎ to get caught up in a wave of enthusiasm être gagné par une vague d'enthousiasme;∎ he was too caught up in the film to notice what was happening il était trop absorbé par le film pour remarquer ce qui se passait;∎ I refuse to get caught up in their private quarrel je refuse de me laisser entraîner dans leurs querelles personnelles(d) (person, car in front etc) rattraper -
19 catch
A n3 ( break in voice) with a catch in his voice d'une voix émue ;4 ( act of catching) prise f ; to take a catch GB, to make a catch US Sport prendre la balle ; to play catch jouer à la balle ;7 ( marriage partner) to be a good catch être un beau parti.1 ( hold and retain) [person] attraper [ball, fish, mouse] ; [container] recueillir [water, dust] ; ( by running) [person] attraper [person] ; I managed to catch her in ( at home) j'ai réussi à la trouver ;2 ( take by surprise) prendre, attraper [person, thief] ; to catch sb doing surprendre qn en train de faire ; to be ou get caught se faire prendre ; to catch sb in the act, to catch sb at it ○ prendre qn sur le fait ; you wouldn't catch me smoking/arriving late! ce n'est pas moi qui fumerais/arriverais en retard! ; you won't catch me at it again! on ne m'y reprendra plus! ; we got caught in the rain/in the storm nous avons été surpris par la pluie/par la tempête ; you've caught me at an awkward moment vous tombez mal ; ⇒ balance, foot, short, unawares ;3 ( be in time for) attraper, prendre [bus, train, plane] ; to catch the last post ou mail avoir la dernière levée ;5 ( grasp) prendre [hand, arm] ; agripper [branch, rope] ; captiver, éveiller [interest, imagination] ; to catch hold of sth attraper qch ; to catch sb's attention ou eye attirer l'attention de qn ; to catch the Speaker's eye GB Pol obtenir la parole ; to catch the chairman's eye Admin obtenir la parole ; to catch some sleep ○ dormir un peu ;6 ( hear) saisir ○, comprendre [word, name] ; do you catch my meaning? tu comprends ce que je veux dire? ;7 ( perceive) sentir [smell] ; discerner [sound] ; surprendre [look] ; to catch sight of sb/sth apercevoir qn/qch ;8 ( get stuck) to catch one's fingers/foot in se prendre les doigts/le pied dans [drawer, door] ; to catch one's shirt/sleeve on accrocher sa chemise/manche à [nail] ; to get one's head/hand caught se coincer la tête/main (in dans ; between entre) ; to get one's shirt/sweater caught accrocher sa chemise/son pull-over (on à) ; to get caught in [person] se prendre dans [net, thorns, barbed wire] ;10 ( hit) heurter [object, person] ; the ball/stone caught him on the head la balle/pierre l'a heurté à la tête ; to catch sth with heurter qch avec [elbow, broom handle] ; to catch sb (with) a blow donner un coup à qn ;11 ( have an effect on) [sun, light] faire briller [object, raindrops] ; [wind] emporter [paper, bag] ; to catch one's breath retenir son souffle ;12 ( be affected by) to catch the sun prendre le soleil ; to catch fire ou light prendre feu, s'enflammer ; to catch the light refléter la lumière ;16 ( manage to reach) ⇒ catch up.1 ( become stuck) to catch on sth [shirt, sleeve] s'accrocher à qch ; [wheel] frotter contre [frame] ;2 ( start to burn) [wood, coal, fire] prendre.you'll catch it ○ ! tu vas en prendre une ○ !■ catch on1 ( become popular) [fashion, song, TV programme, activity, idea] devenir populaire (with auprès de) ;■ catch out:▶ catch [sb] out1 ( take by surprise) prendre [qn] de court ; ( doing something wrong) prendre [qn] sur le fait ;2 ( trick) attraper, jouer un tour à ;3 (in cricket, baseball) éliminer [batsman].■ catch up:▶ catch up ( in race) regagner du terrain ; ( in work) rattraper son retard ; to catch up with rattraper [person, vehicle] ; to catch up on rattraper [work, sleep] ; se remettre au courant de [news, gossip] ;▶ catch [sb/sth] up1 ( manage to reach) rattraper ;2 ( pick up) attraper [bag, child] (in dans) ;▶ catch [sth] up in ( tangle) prendre [qch] dans [barbed wire, thorns, chain] ; to get one's feet caught up in sth se prendre les pieds dans qch ; I got my skirt caught up in the thorns j'ai pris ma jupe dans les ronces ; to get caught up in se laisser entraîner par [enthusiasm, excitement] ; se trouver pris dans [traffic] ; se trouver pris au milieu de [war, bombing] ; se trouver mêlé à [scandal, fight, argument]. -
20 post
A n1 Admin ( job) poste m (as comme ; of de) ; administrative post poste m administratif ; defence post poste m à la défense ; management post poste m de cadre ; party post poste m au parti ; to hold a post occuper un poste ; to have/fill a post avoir/remplir un poste ; to take up a post prendre un poste ; to offer sb a post proposer un poste à qn ;2 GB Post ( system) poste f ; ( letters) courrier m ; ( delivery) distribution f ; to send sth/notify sb by post envoyer qch/avertir qn par la poste ; (to reply) by return of post (répondre) par retour du courrier ; to put sth in the post mettre qch à la poste ; it was lost in the post cela s'est égaré dans le courrier ; to get sth through the post recevoir qch par la poste ; your cheque is in the post votre chèque est au courrier ; is there any post for me? est-ce que j'ai du courrier? ; has the post come yet? est-ce que le courrier est arrivé? ; to deal with/answer one's post s'occuper de/répondre à son courrier ; it came in today's post il est arrivé par la poste aujourd'hui ; has the post gone yet? le courrier est-il déjà parti? ; please take this letter to the post voulez-vous me poster cette lettre? ; to catch/miss the post ne pas manquer/manquer la levée ;3 (duty, station) gen, Mil poste m ; at one's post à son poste ; to remain at one's ou in post demeurer à son poste ;4 ( pole) gen, Turf poteau m ; starting/finishing post poteau m de départ/d'arrivée ; beaten at the post battu au poteau ; to be the first past the post Turf être le premier à l'arrivée ; fig Pol obtenir la majorité ;5 ( in soccer) montant m des cages ;6 †( for stagecoach) poste f.B post- (dans composés) post- ; post-1992, things changed après 1992, les choses ont changé ; in post-1992 Europe dans l'Europe d'après 1992 ; in the post-Cold War years dans les années qui ont suivi la guerre froide.C vtr1 GB ( send by post) poster or expédier (par la poste) ; ( put in letterbox) mettre [qch] à la poste ;2 ( stick up) afficher [notice, poster, rules] ; annoncer [details, results] ; to be posted missing in action être porté disparu au combat ; post no bills défense d'afficher ;3 gen, Mil ( send abroad) affecter (to à) ; to be posted overseas/to a unit être affecté outre-mer/à une unité ;to keep sb posted (about sth) tenir qn au courant (de qch) ; to be left at the post rester sur la touche.■ post off GB:▶ post [sth] off, post off [sth] mettre [qch] à la poste.■ post on GB:■ post up:▶ post up [sth], post [sth] up afficher [information, notice].
См. также в других словарях:
Catch the Sperm — is a Swiss computer game recognized as an entertaining way for health professionals to promote prevention of HIV. [ [http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/MeetingAbstracts/102251219.html Catch the Sperm: computer game on the internet for AIDS prevention] ,… … Wikipedia
Ghost to the Post — is a significant play in NFL history. It refers specifically to a 42 yard pass from Ken Stabler to Dave Casper, nicknamed The Ghost , that set up a game tying field goal in the final seconds of a double overtime playoff game played between Casper … Wikipedia
catch — catch1 W1S1 [kætʃ] v past tense and past participle caught [ko:t US ko:t] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(take and hold)¦ 2¦(find/stop somebody)¦ 3¦(see somebody doing something)¦ 4¦(illness)¦ 5 catch somebody by surprise/catch somebody off guard 6 catch somebody… … Dictionary of contemporary English
catch — catch1 [ kætʃ ] (past tense and past participle caught [ kɔt ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 stop and hold something/someone ▸ 2 stop someone escaping ▸ 3 find and arrest ▸ 4 (hunt and) stop animal ▸ 5 get on public vehicle ▸ 6 discover someone doing something… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
catch — 1 verb past tense and past participle caught 1 STOP/TRAP SB (T) a) to stop someone after you have been chasing them and prevent them from escaping: You can t catch me! she yelled, running away across the field. | If the guerrillas catch you, they … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Catch-up effect — The catch up effect, also called the theory of convergence, states that poorer economies tend to grow at faster rates than richer economies. Therefore, all economies should in the long run converge in terms of per capita income and productivity.… … Wikipedia
The Story of Miss Moppet — … Wikipedia
The Diamond Arm — Film poster Directed by Leonid Gaidai Written by Leonid Gaidai Yakov Kos … Wikipedia
Post correspondence problem — The Post correspondence problem is an undecidable decision problem that was introduced by Emil Post in 1946.[1] Because it is simpler than the halting problem and the Entscheidungsproblem it is often used in proofs of undecidability. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Post Secondary Transition For High School Students with Disabilities — The Post Secondary Transition For High School Students with Disabilities refers to the ordinance that every public school district in the United States must provide all students with disabilities ages 3 through 21 with an individualized and free… … Wikipedia
The Invisible Man (film) — The Invisible Man Theatrical poster Directed by James Whale Produced by … Wikipedia